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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

294 Replies

Hi! Day nine for me, staying strong and working out every day, it helps! Just went to the 14mg patch, done with the 21. I can breathe better! I get cranky sometimes, but it's worth being free from smoking. 


Way to go!


0 Kudos

Hello there everyone!

Its been a few days (week?) since I’ve connected—so this is what’s been going on....

A twisted ankle on the same leg/foot that I broke as a teenager after skydiving.  WOW I sure was reminded of that pain from landing on a paved road! 

The care needed to improve the ankle and the preplanning in negotiating everything from personal care to feeding the cat— lol!!! no time to smoke!



You will heal faster now that you don't smoke!  Way to stay free! But OUCH!!!!


0 Kudos

Checking in Rollercoaster831 Rise and Shine it's a new day! First day for no cigarettes and had a few  cravings. I can't wait for the 130 days to pass. I got in a bad mood today and ate to get rid of it. I rarely get in a bad mood but something tells me that more is ahead. Thank You for so much reading material and wise words. Have been reading lots here and learning so much. Helps for preparedness!


Welcome to your new life!  As I’m sure you’ve read here, you’ll still have good days and bad days, good moods and bad moods. Just as you did when you were smoking.  Cravings will come but you’ve made it to Day 1.  Stay strong and shoot for Day 2.

I iate more than normal in the beginning as well but after two weeks I decided to cut down. I find that working out helps my mood. Unfortunately, Mondays are tied up with work then getting my daughter to her practices after school. I walked around my building, ate carrots and did some deep breathing to get through what started as a lousy day. It ended well because I didn’t smoke.

There is so much support here.  Raise your hand when you need help. We’re all here rooting for you.

Sandi 37 DOF


Thanks Sandi4 for your kind words and support. They are very comforting. I agree some walks and exercise wouldn't hurt and would be good right now while I am quitting. I will do that- thanks a lot!


Day 2 of not smoking.. having tea instead of coffee (major trigger) and really enjoying it. Woke up feeling good and no bad breath!  My fingers smell better lol. Doesn't stink of nicotine. Feel like doing some cleaning today to keep busy. 

Congrats on everyone's strength to quit. The first week is the worst, I hear! It gets better every day and we feel better each day for loving ourselves. 


Congrats on making it to day 2. You're routine change (tea instead of coffee) will help. I did the same thing along with changing other morning habits like getting ready for the day before I had my 1st sip of tea, and taking my dog for a long walk after I was done checking my email and eating breakfast. Now it's been a month and I had my 1st cup of coffee 2 days ago and the urge to smoke (at least that day) wasn't there. I also like to come on here and read tips from the people who have been at their quit for longer then me because their advice has really really helped me. We can do this and we can support each other through this!


Hello Desiree465 Thanks very much for your encouragement and support. Us new shoots (like plants) ready for life need it for strong stems. Luckily, I am on the patch and taking lozenges, so I give them credit to keep on going. I have tried a few times before to quit and always failed. The tea is a nice game changer and not sure if I will go back to coffee. It's always rewarding to have the wisdom of the elders to be passed down and it is passed to each other. I appreciate everyone whose stories I've read to the elders that has offered help, support, kindness and encouragement.

We shall prevail!!!