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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

294 Replies

You’ll hit one week tomorrow! Way to go!

0 Kudos

TODAY!!  Did do try to quit in the past   But now I know what to expect    Hope I got it together for the BEST!  Bisous!1471867141_1034[1].gif


Checking in .. Lauralee.. ya on day 23 and feeling better everyday... still think about going and having one but not an option and since I quit don't have access to any so its not an option. The only think i have to do for now is to drive by where i would of bought a pack... So yes I am excited and shocked that I made it this far... Thanks to all who helped me get this far... 


Way to go - that’s quite an accomplishment!


Checking in at 27 days.....

While I did have some rough patches it was more about the physical aspects like foggy head,  constipation, headaches, etc. Not so much with cravings. This may be my use of wellbuterin. But triggered aren't hitting me bad. A big trigger for me is cooking. Yeah, weird, I know. But when I cook I usually get everything prepared (I'm a bit frantic when cooking) and then I would either serve place on the table or let it simmer while I grabbed a smoke. I cooked tonight but never thought about grabbing that smoke when dinner was ready.

Looking ahead to NML and I'm kinda excited. I don't have the dread I did before quitting. I'm looking forward to moving on through and getting to the other side.

Thanks to the wisdom of the elders and the info they've provided i really do feel prepared.

Cover me! I'm going in!


Way to go NeedToBe.  Make it a fabulous day and keep stacking up those days.


0 Kudos

My quit date is on Friday, Jan 26th. I am so scared to put myself through this again, but I tell you, finding this sight is the help I desperately need! I've never tried to quit with other people. Hearing the stories, the whoas and trials everyone is and has gone through makes me feel I can finally do this!! I have tried patches, the yucky gum, hypnosis. I have read all the "scare tactics" from the cancer society, had people (well meaning of course) say, "well just quit, what's the big deal". I play mind games with myself, has anyone else done that? I have so many questions and comments but I won't bog everyone down with my own stuff. I am so happy to have found this sight! Happy to be part of this community.


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Let me offer this suggestion Vic!  Try not to focus on the fail, but try to embrace the succeeding!  Try not to use the word " Try " and tell yourself, "I can do this"  The negativity comes from the hold that nicotine has over you!  It's strong, for sure!  But it's time you 

win this war you have with it, and YOU CAN!  Because you are here, you already know you want to quit!  

Hope to see you here often posting your successes and struggles, because we all want to be here for you if you are struggling!  



Thanks Sandy! I feel like crying already and am not going through withdrawals yet! This is the support and hand holding I need to stay strong. Who was it who said "There is no trying, there is only doing"?

0 Kudos

Whoever said that is correct!   And you know what else Vic?  Cry...........You have yourself a good cry!  It maybe the answer to you letting go......We grieve the death of nicotine when we quit!  Just like when we lose someone close to us, we grieve!  

The tears will end, and you will fight through to be stronger than your addiction!  If you ever need to talk to someone I can inbox you my number at any time!  There are many people here who call or text someone for support !  Don't hesitate to ask!  I have a text only number too, if you don't want to hear a voice!  Say the word!  I want to help!
