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Give and get support around quitting


New Here... and an underage smoker

Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I have been a smoker for about 5 years now, off and on, but more so within the last 2 years. I'm in a strange posistion at the moment, I am staying with my grandparents for the summer and I have no choice but not to smoke because there isn't any way for me to do so. I've been here about 2 and a half weeks now, and I smoked once last week because I got a cig from a neighbor. I thought that quitting cold turkey would be easy since I can't smoke for 2 months, but I am sure that I will start again when I go home because most of my friends are smokers, and my mom smokes, so it is pretty easy for me to get them. I have the will, just not the way. I recently met a really nice christian guy who is against smoking. I really do like him, so he is my motivation now. Not only that, but I am really out of shape and I had to drop out of athletics because of the cigs. I just need help.
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3 Replies

Super Smart move Amanda !

This place can really help you.

The EX plan will help you fight your smoking triggers.

We have smaller groups that can get to know you better and help you through the rough times.

We have big areas like the forum where many people can see your questions or comments and answer fairly quickly.

We even have blogs on your own page so you can write about your smoke free journey ... the good...the bad.... and the ugly ...... but at least if you do it right you will be smarter, healthier and a few more $$ in your pocket !

wishing you success in your journey and if I can help just let me know

peace !
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I am so glad that you are trying to quit! If I could take back the last 20 years of smoking I would in a heart beat.
I have wrinkles on my face from smoking.
I stink like an ashtray.
I can't breathe if I work out for longer than 5 minutes.

These are just a few of the reasons to quit.
Choose to live a long healthy life.

Keep up the good work.
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I just joined here, and don't know much about the site yet, but I plead with you to make this your forever quit date. I started smoking when I was 8, and have been wanting to quit since I was 20. It just becomes harder with every single cigarett you smoke, because it becomes more and more intwined with everything about your life. Do it now while you only have 5 years of habbit to break, please! I know it wil be hard when you go back, but if you just decide that you no longer want to be a smoker, that you are no longer going to tollerate those nasty things in your mouth ever again, I know you'll succeed. I'm falling asleep at the computer (litterally), so I stop preaching. I wish you the very best and hope with all my heart that you can turn this into the single most possitive decision you have and ever will make in your life!
May you receive many Blessings on your life journey, your journey toward wholeness.
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