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Give and get support around quitting


Need support

Haven't been on here since May when I was so tired of fighting to not smoke after 5months  But I'm happy to report I tried one and didn't like it it did nothing for me so I slapped a 7mg patch on Now going on the 7 month and the acid reflux is at its worst caused by allergies they say that cause the inflamation  Meds not working, so hard to eat I never realized how much the brain and the stomach are related so causing a lot of panic and how did I deal with a panic feeling before ? With cigarettes !! Now fighting the urge for a month now all day everyday ! Any one else have this problem ? All help appreciated Thank you

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25 Replies

Thank you for sharing Ellen! All your words ring so true  and are right on! I have another Drs appt . tomorrow I have had the same health issues from May- Sept before so we shall see but its been 4years since the last one and no allergy meds 6years since I've been sick with anything . If I've learned anything today it is that I need to take the time to connect with people who have been through the journey and understand it so well And you can never stop learning even tho you think you've read and seen it all!!  


nonsgm‌, hi, I have acid reflux too, maybe lucky 20mg/day Omeprazole are taking care of it.  But now I don't really know what to do: the former family Dr tells me Prilosec (generic is Omeprazole) is hard on the liver, the Naturopathic Dr tells me Xanax (which I take for sleep) is hard on the liver, and I have fatty liver and mild cirrhosis, and last week I went to see a Liver specialist who made a list of all the supplements the Naturopathic Dr prescribed as being toxic on the Liver   This is no joke you guys, I have to make my own decisions, since they can't agree!  I hope your appointment will go well and will bring you some relief, keep my fingers crossed, here is a smile!

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I'm sorry there is a conflict with your healers. I heard that the Omeprazole causes problems with bones, like mainly the pelvis and hips if you take it for an extended period of time. I've been taking 4 times the normal dosage for 4 years and I mentioned it to my pharmacist and he said the reflux was being controlled and that was more important as a risk factor.

I think everything has a side effect nowadays. 😞

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Hello nonsgm

After a whole lot of suffering and a few packs of Omeprezole I changed my diet. 

I concentrate on eating lots of alkaline foods.  That way I can enjoy acid forming foods in moderation.

There is a ton of information about which foods are alkaline forming and which ones are acid forming on the net and in library books.

It means being very strict with yourself until you get the balance back in your tummy.  This in turn will make your brain calmer, happier and more able to dismiss craves.

(These days if my tummy hints at acid reflux I mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in warm water and check what I have been eating. Lemon might be an acid fruit but it has an alkalising effect on stomach acid.)

You certainly do need support! We have a large Community that can help you when you reach out so Thank You for reaching out! For Example I have GERD but it is mild compared to Dale. What I do know only too well is anxiety! It's absolutely petrifying! But what I have learned is that Smoking Cessation not only relieved my GERD it helped my Anxiety  and Depression as well! 

I use techniques like yoga breathing, muscle scans, Mindfulness Meditation, and even little tricks like popping a mint, tying a reminder around my wrist, and calling out (in my mind) 5 blue things, 4 sounds, 3 feelings, 2 smells, 1 taste. These are all things I heard about before I quit but never bothered - after all, I could go smoke instead! 

.....until I was diagnosed with COPD - now, that caused stress! 

My advice is no matter what find a way to quit and you'll be surprised how much better your GERD has become, you anxiety, and many other stressors in your life!

Smokers have a 70 per cent increased risk of anxiety and depression when compared to non-smokers.

Here's something to think about:


Don't make things worse by smoking, Please! Smoking isn't helping any of your problems! It's making them worse!


We've all had problems to one degree or another. I added a positive addiction; walking. I walk at least a half an hour a day and most days longer. Helps with heartburn for sure and effects last a long time. I'm also thinking about what route I want to take, if I should take the dog and fill my thoughts with positive things.

Someone reminded me yesterday not to sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff in the grand scheme of things.