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Give and get support around quitting


Need some guidance

Want badly to become an EX. I don't smoke in front of our grandchilden. I'm embarrased to smoke in public. I'm fairly intelligent. Can't understand what keeps me smoking. Trying to understand this addiction so I can learn to control it. Looking for words of wisdom.
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12 Replies

Hey Jonescarp, Grandy, that is what I am finding to be my answer, it is all about "how much power you give them". I had given the craves huge power on my first quit which put a great deal of fear/anxiety/stress into me. So this time, my plan included a different program that has HUGELY reduced the power I give the craves. (
I also have a quit-buddy. This will be the last time I have to quit.

Jonescarp, Grandy, Hope you both have a great (smokefree) day.
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Hi grandy and welcome there is actually a group called words of wisdom it is a good group check it out.My name is Jennie please feel free to drop me a line whenever!
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Hi Grandy. Welcome. Log onto the BecomeAnEx site proper and work the program. It's a good program that will help you understand your addiction to nicotine and teach you ways of separating from that addiction. This site is full of wonderful people that will happily help you with yur journey to become smoke free. I wish you the best of luck!
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Thank you. I'm not the greatest at navigating on the PC. I didn't realize there are so many groups. I appreciate your help.
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Wow, guess I'm not alone. I appreciate you help. Maybe I can get there!
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It isn't easy to figure it out.

But, you can decide to quit and just do it.
That doesn't take any figuring at all.
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Hey jonescarp, if it is that easy then I guess there is no reason to have this support site is there? Hey all of you, JUST QUIT !!!!. there, done.
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Well quite frankly, after spending thousands of hours on a quit smoking site, I have heard it all when it comes to quitting and I have watched 80% or more people overthink qutting to the point of failing over and over again.

There will be uncomfortable times when you first quit but craves pass and, the more power you give them, the worse chance you have of succeeding in not smoking.

There is only one way to quit smoking.

Keep them out of your hands and away from your face.
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i use to be the same way, never understood what kept me smoking either. a friend told me they thought i just liked the sensation of smoking no matter what it was. i think i just got really bored with my life and needed something to do, so i smoked. i never thought i was the type to get addicted to anything but thats easier said then done when you never smoked, and once i got on that train to nicotine town i couldn't get off. well im proud to say that i quit and many others on this site have quit, i know you can do it. take it one day at a time and use the separation exercises as a tool to help guide you they really worked for me. good luck
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