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Give and get support around quitting


I was 22 days smoke free but picked up this morning due to nausea that hasn’t lifted since I quit smoking cigarettes.  Anyone else have this issue?  It would be helpful to know how to overcome this as I don’t know how to deal with it.  

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Welcome to the Ex.  You've already gotten great advice so make a decision to quit and we will be here to support you.  I'm not a Juul expert, but found this which certainly can explain your nausea:

In addition to this patented formula, juul pods contain a greater amount of benzoic acid, 44.8 mg/mL, compared to other e-cigarette brands, which are in the range of 0.2 to 2 mg/mL. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), benzoic acid is known to cause coughs, sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting if exposure is constant, which is the case when using a juul.[7] This is due to how juuls utilize the properties of benzoic acid to increase the potency of the nicotine salts in its e-liquid




Thank you for the research!  I had no idea that the Juul could contribute to nausea.  I will quit both pronto 

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That's great news.



Thank you everyone for your suggestions!  I am going to quit both smoking and the Juul. I appreciate all of the help!!


Ex will continue to be here for you 365!  Yes you can.

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First off welcome and congratulations on your decision to quit both!  I experienced the exact situation you described above.  I quit cigarettes and started with the Leap (same thing as Juul just a different name).  Every morning I would get nauseous and some mornings actually throw up.  Once I quit everything I haven't been nauseous at all.  You got this!


It’s good to know that it wasn’t just me- thank you!

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I see you've been hanging around the Ex for a little bit but this is your first post, so welcome! 

Reading through the answers you have thus far, it seems there is good reason for your nausea. I know it is possible to feel sick to one's stomach the first couple of days after quitting but that usually passes and is due to a lack of nicotine. 

I'm glad to here you'll be quitting both, not simply changing the delivery method. When do you plan on doing this? Read through the materials provided and see choose the day you'll go nicotine free!


I quit both as of this morning- started using Nicolette gum, as the cravings were pretty bad ( mornings are a trigger for me)   Thank you for the warm welcome and the help.  It kinda seems overwhelming, all of the information on this site- I saved the 100 things to do other than smoking to my phones home screen - and all of the other info seems daunting - additionally, I definitely don’t feel like myself, I feel foggy and shaky. And thanks again for all of the help, it will get easier I know


Congratualtions on making a wonderful decision to let it all go. Stay hydrated keep with cold water close by.  That will help immensely