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NML Weekly Check In – 9/6/2017

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing that you think you cannot do. -Eleanor Roosevelt


We are doing this discussion every Wednesday to offer encouragement and camaraderie to those in NML, basically months 2-3-4 of a quit. Regardless of how long you’ve been quit, anyone who likes the conversation and wants to offer support is welcome to participate!


We will offer topic questions below if you find yourself at a loss for what to post.  These are for ideas.  We are happy if you just stop by to say hi and let us know you are still with us in NML.  Feel free to offer up ideas on topic question and I will include them in next week’s post!  Stop by daily or as often as you like!  Don’t forget to post to the Daily Pledge! 


  1. Topic Questions: Which would you prefer — three wishes over five years or one wish right now?




Are you about a month into your quit? Are you feeling a little down, a little lost? Don’t fret – you’re entering No Man’s Land, the 100 days that start about the time your first month ends.


The first month of a quit is emotional, exhilarating, exhausting, and many other “e” words I’m sure!  You are trying to take one moment at a time and focusing all of your energy on your brand new quit. Around the one-month mark, things start to change, and you spend the next 100 days or so in a place called “No Man’s Land.”


In No Man’s Land, you’ve come a long way, but still have a long way to go. The routine cravings are gone but the surprise cravings can knock you to your knees. Your family and friends think you should be “over it” while you still feel quite fragile sometimes. Your relationships with smoking friends/family may be feeling strained. Your inner junkie is still around, still whispering to you, and the temptation to give in can be every bit as strong as it was in your first few days.


But here’s the good news. In these same 100 days, for most people, your circulation has improved substantially, walking has become easier, and your overall lung function has increased noticeably. Sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath have decreased. Your body's overall energy has increased. The roller coaster is smoothing out, and you are feeling calmer and stronger overall. Good things are happening!


Click here to read Dale’s helpful blog about No Man’s Land:No Mans Land Days 30 to 130 (approximate) 

Click here to read what to expect in the first four months:  What To Expect In The First Four Months 


Checking in here will help you get through NML and on your way to the first year where you can celebrate being in the 6% Club!


Note:  Much of this content was previously found in an old blog post by SarahP when I searched for NML.  I want to make sure credit is given since much of the content above is taken from that blog post.  I also understand SarahP was willing to pass the torch to someone else on the weekly NML Check In.  Instead of doing a blog, I am making this a weekly discussion.


NML List















gregp136 – GRADUATED!!!

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23 Replies

Glad your quit is solid and thank you for sharing your experience with dreams.  I am not a dreamer.  The only time I have ever remembered any dreams was when I was on Chantix!


Hey where are the others? Tom TW517 how are you?


I hate missing Wednesday check-ins!  The good news is I picked up 2 new accounts (I'm an independent commercial property manager).  The bad news is, I work by myself and I'm swamped!!!  The further bad news is, I'm super stressed out being this crazy busy, and the stress is giving me craves like I haven't had in weeks.  The great news is, I haven't (nor will I) smoke over it!  Hopefully I can more properly check-in this weekend.

Thanks for asking about me!  Always feels good to be missed


YAY and NAY all at the same time!  Thanks for checking in!!!


Hi quit buddy thanks for answering. Horrible to feel swamped but great to have new accounts to manage.  Show those craves the door they have no business interrupting a man at work.  Hope you have a relaxing weekend. 


Happy Days....I am now 60 DOF and doing okay.  Must say it is hard, but I am continuing on my journey and reluctant to let it go.  My thoughts go to smoking a lot more than they did before, and even occasions are now hitting me harder.  But I stand firm in my quit.  

I must admit right now, if I had a wish now, it would be to be permanently free from this addiction, as if I had never ever been a smoker.  It is very tiring to constantly be on guard regarding smoking.  A lot of the time i am tired of it even entering my brain.  I am tired of feeling like I am constantly fighting off something mentally and physically.  Goodness me it is draining.

I am very very busy in my job so that does help to keep my mind off things, but also does not give me too much time to come onto this platform and vent and read and support.

I am however thinking about you all and supporting from afar.

Keep up the excellent work peeps 



Congratulations on 60 days!  TWO MONTHS!  Excellent about standing firm in your quit!  I like the wish of never having been a smoker, but it is who makes us who we are today!  We are better than non-smokers....we are EX-smokers!!!  


Congratulations on 60 days...there are times when the journey will seem harder than others...I went through a three day crying jag around day 60 or so...I had no specific reason, I just could not stop crying and crying and crying.  I cried over EVERYTHING.  I have never been a crier.  NML is a challenging is kind of like basic training for our quits.  JonesCarpeDiem‌ told me not to worry about the crying because it was watering my cheeks.  Humor helps, exercise helps, this SITE helps.  You CAN do this, it really does get better.  Good days and bad days are part of life...we just tried to smoke those bad days away.


Hmmm, 3 wishes over 5 years please.

It sounds like you guys are all doing fantastic! I will officially be back in NML in a couple of days. It's working better for me not focusing on how many days I've been quit. I simply check occasionally and today is showing 28 days since my experiment. Counting days made me focus on smoking vs. not smoking too much. I just don't smoke anymore and if I have a crave, that is what I tell myself. Then I distract myself or, lately, find food to eat. I am resetting myself today as far as reaching for food goes. I am on a 24 liquid diet. I do these from time to time when I need to break myself out of a never ending

I am very proud of everyone and roller831‌ you are doing AWESOME with the check-in. 

Rock on gang!


I appreciate everyone checking in!  It seems like we have several NMLers now and I hope I didn't miss any names when I tagged people in my original post.  It just occurred to me I may have missed some who did not check in while I was on vacation so please please please let yourselves be known so I can tag you next week!  Maybe I should just remove the tags in case I do miss...that way noone gets hurt.  Weigh in with your opinion!  

I know I said it before, but ALL are welcome here....the NMLers need your support from other NMLers and Elders and anyone who wants to just stop by and play with us here.  

Thanks and I love seeing this discussion at the top of the list due to posting activity!