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Give and get support around quitting


NML Wednesday Check In - 8/9/2017

Don’t think of it as QUITTING.  Think of it as GAINING!!!


*** I will not be able to post a weekly check-in on 8/16 or 8/23 since I will be somewhere in paradise.  Could someone else please copy and paste and do the check-in?  Feel free to change the topic question.***


We are doing this discussion every Wednesday to offer encouragement and camaraderie to those in NML, basically months 2-3-4 of a quit. Regardless of how long you’ve been quit, anyone who likes the conversation and wants to offer support is welcome to participate!


We will offer topic questions below if you find yourself at a loss for what to post.  These are for ideas.  We are happy if you just stop by to say hi and let us know you are still with us in NML.  Feel free to offer up ideas on topic question and I will include them in next week’s post!  Stop by daily or as often as you like!  Don’t forget to post to the Daily Pledge! 


Topic Questions: Are you losing your enthusiasm?  What are you doing to develop Quititude? 



Are you about a month into your quit? Are you feeling a little down, a little lost? Don’t fret – you’re entering No Man’s Land, the 100 days that start about the time your first month ends.


The first month of a quit is emotional, exhilarating, exhausting, and many other “e” words I’m sure!  You are trying to take one moment at a time and focusing all of your energy on your brand new quit. Around the one-month mark, things start to change, and you spend the next 100 days or so in a place called “No Man’s Land.”


In No Man’s Land, you’ve come a long way, but still have a long way to go. The routine cravings are gone but the surprise cravings can knock you to your knees. Your family and friends think you should be “over it” while you still feel quite fragile sometimes. Your relationships with smoking friends/family may be feeling strained. Your inner junkie is still around, still whispering to you, and the temptation to give in can be every bit as strong as it was in your first few days.


But here’s the good news. In these same 100 days, for most people, your circulation has improved substantially, walking has become easier, and your overall lung function has increased noticeably. Sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath have decreased. Your body's overall energy has increased. The roller coaster is smoothing out, and you are feeling calmer and stronger overall. Good things are happening!


Click here to read Dale’s helpful blog about No Man’s Land:  

Click here to read what to expect in the first four months:  /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months  


Checking in here will help you get through NML and on your way to the first year where you can celebrate being in the 6% Club!


Note:  Much of this content was previously found in an old blog post by SarahP when I searched for NML.  I want to make sure credit is given since much of the content above is taken from that blog post.  I also understand SarahP was willing to pass the torch to someone else on the weekly NML Check In.  Instead of doing a blog, I am making this a weekly discussion.

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30 Replies

roller831‌ There are so many quotes that I have picked up from this place...Dale also used to say, "Keep them away from your face" and OldBones-Larry‌ says "One step and then another will get you to where you want to be."  This site has many little positive things we can say to each other and to ourselves.  

I so hope that you have a really nice time and that your son does well. 




Hey guys. I want to apologize for leaving you to start my quit count over. Here's what I have learned from my "experiment":

1. Starting the DOF count over really sucks.

2. That one cigarette was NASTY and left me feeling ill the rest of the day.

3. Oddly, even though I had that smoke, I still feel as though I have been quit for a month. Probably because 1 compared to what I used to smoke on a daily basis seems trivial. I know it isn't because I could have completely blown everything and started up truly smoking again. 

4. If your plan includes exercise, keep moving! A day off once in a while is good, multiple days off because you just don't feel like it is not.

5. If you are using the patch, be cautious when you decrease the dosage. I didn't give that little circle enough credit and figured I was ready for step 2. I think reaffirming your quit and checking your toolbox is something that must be done prior to decreasing your nicotine. 

I don't know if I still would have smoked that cigarette if I had done all of the above. It still feels like something I needed to experience for myself. I absolutely do not recommend anyone else doing so for themselves!!! Please trust me when I say that it was truly horrible and nothing like I remember!

Oh, one last thing; do not miss the Daily Pledge. I did not do it that day and knowing me, if I had I wouldn't have smoked. When the Elders say stay close they are bloody right!!

See you in NML in 28 days.



Can't wait to see you there!


BTW Diannnnn , can I just say how happy I am to see you here posting and being part of our community?  I've wondered what I would do if I tried to have just one.  Would I stay here and own up to it?  Or would I slink away and become a regular smoker again?  I'm pretty sure I would stay too.  In fact, I'm pretty sure had I had this group on any of the last fails I had, I would have had the courage to start my DOF right away, instead of waiting years to try again.

I'm glad you're here.  We will get thru this.


Thank you my friend. This community really is amazing, isn't it? I really do prefer being a non smoker. I am anxious to take a road trip where I am not stopping all the time for a smoke or stinking up a car. Now it will be restroom stops because of all the


Diannnnn‌, ANYONE is welcome to post here whether you are in NML or not.  Glad to see you back on track!


Thank you. I will be following this for sure.


Hey roller831 , did you ever get anyone to post our NML check-in for the next 2 weeks?  I'll be in the foothills of the Appalachians this Wednesday - Sunday, and I'm guessing not very good internet coverage.  I could do the following week, but it would have to be Tuesday or Thursday.  Would rather someone else do if possible.

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I sent a request to Nina about info. about the NML Check In, I'll do it if I can figure out how to do it.


I can try to do it this Wednesday but it will be early!  Thanks for covering Cathy!

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