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Give and get support around quitting



So I went back to two cigs a day...i know thats not as good as all you guys are doin......but im always honest...things are rough and im having a tough time....wish you could call someone when your feaning for one....but this sit helps alot...I am happy for all of you that are doing better than me...and i know i didnt fully quit....but im here for support for all of you....anything i can do.....much love james
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15 Replies

Keep workin it'. And don't get up to matter what. I'm havin' a tough time too - but I said NO to cigarettes. You can get through the rough times without them too. Keep fightin'! You're stronger than you think.

Smiling atcha and hoping for you.
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thank u
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Hi James, it is not a competition so you don't need to worry about how others are doing. Your quit is what you need to worry about. I quit using the Ex plan. I needed a plan to quit and not just willpower. Sounds like you are struggling with this quit and caved in when you had a terrible crave. Make sure you have enough gum, ice water, suckers, DISTRACTIONS ready for those terrible craves. Some are worse than others in the first few days. You need to figure out what will work for you- to keep your quit. Don't be afraid to try several things to help yourself (chew nicotine gum in the shower while singing!). Whatever you need, whatever it takes- Just don't smoke. You can do this. Try everything. Good for you to post here and begin again!
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just email with your info
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Hang in there James!!
Your not doing so bad at all. Just keep up the great work. I started back 21/2 years ago after being smoke free for 8 years. What a mistake to smoke that one cigerette that got me back a smoker. My new Quit date is comming near. The last time I quit I got on a bike, took a walk, joined a gym and did whatever I could think of to do to keep my mind off smoking. Theese are pretty good things to do. Keep thinking on the healthy side. I fell of the wagon but each day now getting closer to my quit date I try to focus more on the activities that helped me before. Maybe a new passtime or hobby can help you too! I'm right behind ya!
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James, James, James !!! Guess you're not surprised at the type of responses you're getting here !!!

You really gotta get it through your head, my friend, that there is NO such thing as "just 2 cigs a day" addiction is an addiction. You're a strong person...don't kid yourself. It takes every bit of that strength to say SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION !!!! You can DO have tons of help and support here.

I'm rooting for ya !!!
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We made the mistake of starting to smoke. We now have the responsibility to STOP.
Jim - who is strong?
This is a fight.... Win it.
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Your honesty is admirable, James. Something to keep in mind - you said "I went back to two cigs a day". It takes 72 hours to rid the body of the toxins from smoking. Going back to those "2 a day" is like shooting yourself in the foot - it starts that clock all over as your body tries to rid itself of those toxins AGAIN. No one ever said this would be easy. But, you have to just take this one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. WHATEVER IT TAKES.
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Hey there James!! You are almost there. Don't put yourself down, just do your best to dust yourself off and get back up on that horse! Giddyup!! This is not easy for any of us -- it's so engrained and entrenched into our subconscious minds. You've probably seen me say this at least 100 times now, but what has helped to put it to rest is the thought, "Smoking is not an option." That way I eliminate all the head games that we as addicts play to justify lighting up! My feeling is that you really want this and if you can smoke 2 cigarettes a day, you CAN do this. Smoking 2 cigarettes a day is harder than not smoking in my mind. So, on that note, you've got everything it takes. Hang in there and see if posting before you puff helps as well! ( ) <--- cyber hug coming your way!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, K?
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