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Give and get support around quitting


My story and my fears

I have a bit of a different story than many, but I’m hoping to get some support here. 

My tobacco use started with nicotine pouches. I was using them to help keep me focused for work and get things done, which at first they worked for. Recently though, I was starting to break down from it. It had been a little over a month of high dose, daily use. I started to feel exhausted all the time, disconnected from the world, and like I was beginning to spiral into depression. 

Yesterday I cut myself off and stopped, until late at night when I became so restless I had to use one. The anxiety is the worst right now, and I feel so trapped in this. 

i guess my question is- has anyone else been screwed by the pouch, so to speak? Has it been different quitting those than cigarettes? 

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3 Replies

@vinquit Welcome to the Ex . No matter the source, nicotine is an addictive chemical so yes it can be hard to quit.  You're experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop using.

The same principles to quit smoking will apply to your quit. It's important to educate yourself about nicotine and have a quit plan. Knowledge and preparation have been made quitting possible for many of us. I never did neither in the past and I was never successful. I was planning my quit this time and found the Ex a week before my quit date. I finally learned how to quit and how important support from other quitters can be. Read lots of material on the site. This link is a great place to start.

Quitting Guides

Believe in yourself that you can do it. Approaching your quit one day at a time helps to alleviate much of the anxiety we experience when we think about quitting.

We're here to support you so reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience, and to support other quitters.

Nicotine Pouch Products: More than just nicotine - EX Community

Stay busy and stay close.



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Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome @vinquit!  My name is Quiana, and I am a part of the EX Team. Congratulations on your decision to quit! I wanted to reach out and personally welcome you to the EX Community! We are so excited you have joined us. This is a very supportive community so feel free to keep us all posted on your quit journey reach out and let us know if you need anything. You may find our Daily Pledge page helpful to make a commitment not to smoke on a day-by-day basis. Posting there will also bring visibility to your journey to others who take the pledge daily.

Here are some articles that might be helpful as you prepare for your quit date:

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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Quitting nicotine pouches would have a lot in common with quitting smoking or quitting vaping. I hope you will be encouraged to write more about your experience so that there is more here about the pouches. 

The only thing I can say on the topic is my brother started using the pouches to quit smoking and now he's addicted to those. The only way to kick an addiction to nicotine is to stop using it in any form. There are similarities to all our experiences but every person must take the steps alone. Writing more about your experience could help others who come to talk about pouches and feel left out.  

I'm wondering, how is it going for you now @vinquit?

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