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Give and get support around quitting


My quit date is tomorrow! Patch or gum? Any advice?

I have tried to quit many times before, I once quit for two years. I have never used an aid to help me quit before, but I think I am going to this time. I'm trying to decide between the patch or the gum. Any advice?


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2 Replies

I too have tried numerous times. I am on day 14 and feeling good. I'm using Chantix and it is great. I have had NO side effects. Obviously some people have side effects or there wouldn't be so many warnings. I had really wild dreams using the patch, not bad just WILD. I recommend Chantix highly. The directions say to take it for one week before quitting but a co-worker said her doctor told her to do two weeks. I followed her advise and had cut down on smoking so much that I quit a day before my quit date! Now that was impressive!!! Good luck and hang in there. This website has a lot of good support.

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chantix is a drug dumy, and you go to work with drugs, shame on you.

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