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Give and get support around quitting


My Quit Plan

Hi All, I come to this group with hope and fear, having smoked all of my adult life I don’t know any other way. The “breaks” that smoking gives are relaxing but the consequences are on my mind all the time, I’m still healthy so here is my plan: I’ve moved to a new area which is stressful but fresh start feels good. Have taken up Yoga and vastly improved my diet including more fruits and vegetables, am out of a bad relationship that needed to end, hopeful for the future, armed with nico gum, other gum to not become dependent on nico gum, plan to exercise more, drink less, meditate, get more sleep and separate from triggers to let the cravings pass before dropping some gum. Any and all suggestions/support are appreciated. Also let me know if you need help and I will be there for you. Best Regards, Jeffers
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4 Replies

I know what you're feeling and I hate it too. Always here to listen!
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I too want to quit. I have been to this website so many times over the last few months. I have set my quit date for Sunday Sept 14th. I need the help and encouragement. I will promise to be your support, please be mine.
We can do this together!
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Sounds like you're off to a good start!! Have you set a quit date yet?
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wow! you were way more prepared than i to quit...i think you have a really GREAT shot at it!! I am on day 5 since I quit and if i can do when I was so unbelievably less prepared than'll be a cinch in your case!! LOL okay okay it still won't be easy...i don't wanna start off our friendship by lying to you, but i think you are on the right line of thinking to quit now while your still young and healthy and your body can still heal from the damage that has been done. i am hoping for that myself. i think vanity is a big motivating factor for my quitting actually...i'm only 27 and have some pretty intense wrinkles starting from the smoking.....gotta get rid of those quick!!! LOL!!
Good luck to you, YOU CAN DO IT! Lemme know how I can help, anytime!
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