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Morning is the biggest challenge for me...

Hi everyone, I'm Erin. Tomorrow is day two for me. I've tried this many times, but feel very confident that this is the time for me to quit once and for all. I always go to bed feeling very strong in my resolve, but when I wake up it seems to take me a few hours to convince myself again. To get feeling positive about it again. It's amazing the difference in attitude between when I go to bed and when I wake up. Many times it's been that morning trigger that has made me slip. Particularly when I lived with all smoking roomates, which I don't anymore.  I guess I was always a morning smoker. Not as soon as I woke up, but I would start making coffee anticipating lighting up when my cup was ready. Go out on the porch and check out the day. Morning was always the most satisfying cigarette for me because you've gone for a good long time without one, and it gives you that buzz. In conjunction with the coffee, it was what got me going in the morning. Now that I think about it, it's a hell of a way to wake yourself up. Not good at all. However it was a ritual that I loved and I do miss it. I'm realizing as I go that I loved it more for the ritual of it, than actually how the coffee and cig made me feel.  I'm thinking I should replace it with a shower right out of bed and green tea. Maybe some stretching or yoga. I'm just not used to being so good to myself I suppose! Takes a little getting used to, but it is wonderful. Much better than all my old empty habits. Consciousness is being brought out here. There's no way I'm giving in because the thought of actually smoking again makes me sick to my stomach, it certainly wouldn't be an enjoyable smoke, so that's good to remember!

Peace and good wishes to all of you!

"Do or do not. There is no try." ~some wise words from Yoda

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4 Replies

I hear ya! I had the same problem at first. is what kept me from actually quitting quitting for the last month before I finally got past it. And once I got past that first morning, I got thru lunch and then dinner and then wa la! I did it!!Yeah!!!

But, I had to do things a bit differantly in the morning to help make it easier and less noticable. And guess what I did ...

I  replaced it with a shower right out of bed and skinny tea. And did some stretching!!

I have also grabbed all of my stuff for the day and got in my rig and went swimming before work. I have got on here and whined and sniveled about wanting to be an exsmoker but how fricken hard it is too. Anything but smoke...and it really wasn't soo bad. Just a differant routine. And healthier.

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Good morning, everyone.  I have been a smoker off and on since my teen years.  I am now 46 (almost 47) and I am commited to quitting.  My dad has emphysema and COPD and I don't want to end up like that.  The hell of it is that he quit smoking in 1982 but didn't get emphysema until 1992.  I hope I'm not too late :).  I am otherwise pretty healthy but have the traditional middle age health issues - arthritis, menopause, bursitis yada yada.  I also have fibromyalgia which is at a tolerable level of annoyance right now.  The doc says that quitting may eleviate some some of these symptoms/conditions, and I am hoping that is the case.  Anyway, this is day one without cigs.  The drive to work this morning was suprisingly easy.  I know if I can get through the next few days, I will be OK.  I have three "tests" that I have to get through over the course of getting to "quit" before I feel like I'm home free --- 1) getting through a crisis (with two adult kids, their husbands/boyfriends and a granddaughter living with me, that crisis is probably just around the corner 2) having a drink 3) taking a trip (being in the car is a signal for me to light up).  But I WILL make it.   

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My husband has COPD and still smokes.  I am going to tell him about all of you wonderful people with your wonderful support and upbeat attitude.  It'sbeen almost 72 hours since my last drag!!  I do suck on straws alot tho!!! 🙂  Good luck to all and thank you for the kind words. 

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Kitty - please encourage your hubby to quit.  Not only will it make it easier for YOU to quit and stay quit but it will help him.  There are so many resources out there to help.  I know it is hard but the truth of it is it is a matter of quality of life AND quality of death.  No one would choose to die in an oxygen tent!!!! 

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