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Day four and feeling good. I LOVE not trying to sneak away from the kids. I don't rush through the bedtime story anymore so I can get another smoke in. No more sneaking around the side of the house. Children learn by example. Why would I expect them to not become addicts when I am SO addicted?
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212 Replies

I find it difficult to even think about quitting I would love to learn how and actually do it for my family and for me. I'm new to this and would love all the help in the world.
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Stephanie, you can do it and yes it is a very difficult thing to think about since most of us have been smoking a very long time. I personally quit using the patch. I use prayer, meditation and COFFEE as an outlet and I remember that the craving will pass whether I smoke or not...For today, I choose not to smoke and have chosen not to for 5 months. The big thing for me is to not take that first puff because if I do it is all over. It is not easy but we are all proof that it can be done if you really want it.
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Today is my quite date, finally!! I have been procrastinating for about a year now. My five year old daughter is excited and very proud of me and I know my one year old daughter is too. I have smoked since I was 14 yrs. I quit for two years when my first daughter was born but then started back after my father died. It has been 3 yrs since and I am tired of letting cigarettes control me!!
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You go girl!!! You can and will do it.
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Hello fellow mothers! Here is my story... I have been a pack per day smoker for about 9 years. I quit once (with the help of Dum Dums) but it only lasted a few months. I am trying again with Chantix and suckers again. I'm having SUCH a hard time! I know it is because I don't have the desire to quit. I know I need to. I need to do it for my babies, finances, health.. etc. but I enjoy smoking! I love the relief of a cig when I'm upset! Any advice on how to do this?!?
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My kids & hubby are so proud of me, it makes me feel so good when my 4 year old tells everyone she can that "my mommy doesn't smoke anymore"! I have been a non smoker for 27 days. 27 days down....a lifetime to go
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Hello all! HELPPPPP i want to quit soo bad i have in my mind i have or will get lung cancer!!!! i need to quit. but i freakin love smoking!
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Hello everyone, this is day 2 for me. Yesterday was pretty rought. I felt like I had to keep moving or I was going to lose my mind. I also had episodes where I was pretty grumpy to my husband and kids. I hope this passes because I don't like feeling irritable and I especially don't like taking it out on the people I love most. I hope today is a better day.
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Hello! 2 days ago I decided to quit cold turkey. I was doing well but today I had a couple of cigarettes. Not bad considering I was smoking a pack and a half a day. The cravings just got the best of me! About an hour ago I put 2 cigarettes aside and threw the rest of the "emergency pack" down the toilet. I will have these last 2 tonight before I sleep and then tomorrow I will start fresh again. I just need to have more will power to overcome the cravings. Wish me luck!
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It is harder than hell isn't it. I just smoked about an hour ago and am not doing well this weekend. Lots of emotions going on and geeze a cig sounds irrisistable! I don't want to lose the will to quit though. We gotta do this!!!!
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