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Give and get support around quitting


May Quitters

just signed up and finished my profile. I have picked my quit date and it happens to be in May. so I decided to join the other May quitters. Good Luck to all you May quitters
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292 Replies

i need to get the mind stright, i need to quit, we can do this i know i will feel better,

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Hello All:

My final quit date way May 4th.  I tried in April, and succeeded for about 2 weeks before screwing up.  I am scared that if i don't quit, I will die.  My family has a history of being both smokers and diabetics--two things which really do not work well at all.  I just want to try to do my best to be as healthy as possible, because honestly, I am afraid to die.  Not only do the obvious things cross my mind, like the cost, the smell, the bad breath, health issues, etc., but ultimately, I don't want to die like others in my family have--living on oxygen tanks and circling the drain for years before they die.  I quit a few times in the past, using various methods, but ultimately, I went back to smoking.  On this attempt, I am using the patch, because it worked for me in the past.  The desire to smoke is god awful, but I try to remind myself that I can always go outside and walk around for a while until I forget about smoking the cigarette.  I just hope that I don't fall off the wagon again this time--I already pay higher premiums for my health insurance because I smoke--on top of the fact that it costs so darn much to buy a pack, the cost is unconsionable--I could give that money to a food pantry and feed a family with the money I am spending.  If I can quit smoking and get healthy, I will be so excited--I need support though, because I honestly don't think I can do this by myself.

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Every one.  Well I am on day two and doing ok been keeping self busy but did have one cirgarette last

night.   Today doing fine just had a hard time an hour ago but it passed.  Will keep you all posted. Thank

you for your help.

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May is clearly an awesome month to quit.  When we feel like we're going to smoke, we get to shout, "May Day May Day!" 🙂

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Me! Today is my day..again. How I wish I hadnt have picked them up after being quit for almost a year 7 years ago.

My reasons for quitting are: Our 5 year old (bad example and I would like to stick around for her) and if I quit my husband will quit--he needs to as he is at high risk. I also am sick of the hassle of smoking...we all know what I mean--do we have enough? Do we need to stop? How am I going to sneak a ciggy if we are somewhere? Blaaa...just sick of the hassle.

My stressors are going to be mornings, as that would be the first thing I did---cup of coffee on the porch.

My method: E-cigs. They are pretty good....I could not quit cold turkey again...too many stressors in my life now. I need that physical motion.


Good luck to my fellow May quitters. We CAN do it.

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my quit day is today!!! i had my last one at 0700 this morning! so far im ok. im using the gum. i  do feel kinda weird, but i think ill be ok.....

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I am going to try again today to quit smoking. I had my last cigarette at 11:00am.  I have my nicotine patch on and am ready to go....I hope I can do this.  If anyone has any ideas that will help please let me know. Like does the e-cigarette work? Should I try Chantix?  I need all the help I can get....

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I've set my quit date for the 9th.  The only problem is that I work in a smoking bar.  There is no non-smoking section.  I've tried to quit many times before, and obviously failed.  I have some nicotine gum, but I wonder if that will just prolong quitting.  Do you guys think it's best to tackle the addiction head on, or to use nicotine replacements.  I just don't know if I should get it all over with at once, or prolong the process.

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my quit day is sunday may15th i am scared and excited. i want to succeed and stay quit for the rest of my life.

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Hi, I am Phoebe and I quit on the 13th. I am having a mixed time of it. One minute I feel so strong and the next minute I am a quivering mass- lol.

The cravings and the restlessness/bordom are the worst part for me. I am trying to keep myself busy by cleaning my house. I want to start exercising again, but  my lungs seem to be cleaning themselves out and my asthma is pretty bad- all in good time

On the positive side, I already look and feel healther- as if I am getting more o2 (which is probably the case). I am losing the unhealthy yellow tinge to my skin. I am also getting a bit more energy.

Good luck to you all.


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