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May Quitters

just signed up and finished my profile. I have picked my quit date and it happens to be in May. so I decided to join the other May quitters. Good Luck to all you May quitters
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292 Replies

Thanks, Anita. I love the neon sign. I need one of those on my wall!

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Just a quick note to everyone...I quit on May 26th and I know my success has a lot to do wtih being able to read everyones comments and know I was not alone!! So thank you all and good luck and stay strong!! olga
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78 days and counting!
  Now I've joined Weight Watchers. I've put down the cigs, now it's time to put down the pounds. I just have to keep telling myself. If I could quit smoking, I can control my weight. It's all about making the decision to do something about it and sticking with it- just like smoking!
  Hope you are all doing well.
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I quit May 21st...62 days here and going strong!!! Keep it up May quit dates!!! 🙂

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This is day 80 for me. I've been smoke-free since May 4th. I attended an American Lung Association class called "Freedom From Smoking" which was sponsored by a hospital in my community, and used Chantix as was recommended by the class. The class and the Chantix worked well together to make quitting the cigarettes a success for me. I had been smoking for over forty years and had made three previous attempts to quit, once for two years, then once for seven months, and again for only one month a year ago in May. This time I have the mind set to resist ever going back to smoking. I have read all of your comments on "May Quit Dates" since I joined and they have also been quite helpful. It feels good to be breathing clean air now, and also feels good to have finally been successful at quitting. I hope everyone is still doing well. Let's all hang in there
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Hiya Larry, Welcome! If you read all the comments in May quit dates you saw that i was quite nuts!! i can tell you that I have calmed down quite a bit and quit on may 5th! This site has been a god send to me this quit and i hope that I always remember to come here before lighting that 1st cig, cause 1 is too many and a thousand is never enough!! Nice to meet you!!
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Hi All,
  It's been 85 days since I quit, and I wanted a cig so bad yesterday I could taste it! I haven't really wanted one since I quit. Not even at first. And usually, it's easiest for me not to smoke when I'm around someone that is smoking. Sounds strange, but for me, the "idea" of that cig is what gets me. The reality of the cig is GROSS!
  I guess it's because it's a high emotional time for me right now. One of my best friends' Dad died Wednesday night, and she's asked me to make "the calls" to all of our mutual buddies. His death was a LONG drawn-out, unpleasant experiences, and we've all been holding our breath for it to happen since May! At this point, it's really a relief for him to be out of pain and for them to be able to really get started with the grieving process. But it's still a tremendous loss. And one of the first I've ever had to deal with in my life. So I guess that's why I wanted a cig. But I didn't smoke one. It wouldn't help anything, and then I'd just have to add that guilt to my current emotional baggage. NO THANKS!

  Anyway. As always, great to have this place to vent. Hang in there gang! We're all at a point where it's getting easier all the time (and that's when the little devil will surprise you!).
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Boy! Are we all so secure in our quits that we don't need to come here anymore? It's kind of lonely in this group. I quit on May 18th so this is Day 72 for me. Approaching Month 3 and am a little nervous as so far the number 3 has been not so good for me. Day 3 was harder than any of the days before or after and Week 3 was hard. I don't want to anticipate that it's going to be bad, but I guess being on my guard is a good idea. Anyone already hit Month 3?
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Yes, Leenie, I've hit month three. I won't lie, I had a couple of difficult cravings this month, but they only lasted about thirty minutes and then I moved on.
  Hang in there. Remember, it's all mental!!!!
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Thanks, Andi, for your honesty. That helps. Now I will stay on the alert and think of some ways to stomp them out when cravings come calling.
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