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March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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DAY FOUR!!  SMOKE NO MORE!!  I hope each day becomes easier for all of us!  Mornings are extremely hard.  I have decided I have to give up coffee for awhile at home in the morning.  I'm dragging a bit when I get to work.  And last night I went up to bed extremely early, I just wanted to stay under the covers so the urge would go away!  It's worst for me at home, but my house has always been smoke-free, so there are no triggers in the house.  But how I love to sit outside, even in the winter, and have my smoke.  ARRGGHHH!!!!   BUT IT's ALL WORTH IT IN THE END!!  Good luck to all, and God Bless!!  Wish me luck this weekend   🙂  And best of luck to all of you.  Just get through, one day at a time.  WE CAN DO IT!!!

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i'm on day 19... struggling... craving...

trying to hold on....

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Hi, my name is Tammy and I am new to this site. My Quit date is March 22nd. I am using Chantix and finding this very helpful so far. I have used this week "before my quit date" as a learning experience. I am learning to do things differently in the mornings, after lunch and at home in the evenings. I never realized how important it is to find the associations we have with cigarettes and our "normal" routines and break these habits.  I no longer drink coffee after breakfast, I now drink one cup while applying my make-up. I do not smoke in the vehicle on the way to work, I now turn the music up a little louder and sing. I drink plenty of water and I started walking for 30 minutes on the first part of my lunch break. I am determined to crush the control that cigarettes have over me. I am 43 and want to be a non-smoker by the time I reach 44, which is not that far away.

Wish me luck!!

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My quit date is March 22nd. I want to be a non-smoker!! I am determined to do it!!

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Hi everybody! I'm going nuts today because my quit date is March 30 but I have no more cigs, so do I buy another pack or just make tomorrow my quit day ahead of schedule?  Plus tomorrow is my first day back to work after a week of sick time.  I can't have today my quit day because I took 1 puff this morning - hopefully my last.  I REALLY want to quit right now and I really want  my 11 more days of smoking!  This is nuts!! I think if I can get through tomorrow I can say I quit the first day of spring!!!  That's a nice thought!  I'm going to go for it!  Wish me luck and good luck to everyone on your quits.  Let's celebrate SPRING!

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wow sounds like every one is doing good, and thomas you will quit when you are ready, i had a good day to day, i love being smoke free, we are going to do this, good luck all

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February 14th, 2010, my 43rd birthday, was supposed to of been my quit date. I didn't do it though.  I still smoked. I only smoked 3 that day, but I didn't have the guts to quit. Even in Hawaii, while staying in a beautiful  place with flowers, the ocean surf  and warmth all around me. I have picked that date every year for years now! And that was my third time to go to Hawaii for my birthday.  I never did quit on my birthday...but next year on my birthday,  I will be able to say  that it has been 330 days since I smoked my last cig! (( Hopefull I did the math right!))

So Ya!

Happy March quit date to all!

Love, Patty

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i had a smoke free day. WOW pattymint  good luck

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day 10 tomorrow I will do it again think positive thats one of the keys. a positive mind is a healthy mind. and a healthy mind helps heal the body

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Hang in there pattymint! We're all routing for you! Today you are a day closer to your goal and I have confidence in you!

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