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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Replies

hello all! i just started the EX plan today, so tomorrow will be my first full day of tracking my cigarettes/triggers. i'm going to shoot for the march 30 date as well. that gives me a good full month to really work the plan. good luck to me. good luck to all of you.
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20 days to go and it will be 1 year being smoke free...yep one year!!! Didn't think I would see the day ...but it will be here soon!! March 16th of 2008 was my quit date...! There was some rough days..but I never touched one smoke. Good Luck to can be done...! There are days that I miss it but then reality sets in when I am at work (banking) and customers walk in and reak of the smoke smell on their coats and in the drive up...I think they blow the smoke in tube before they send it in...and boy when I open the what an awful smell...I certainly don't miss smelling like that. So good luck to you all it can be done.
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Wow Deb! What an encouragement you are to me...with my quit date coming up this is a great thing to hear and hang on to. Thanks for sharing - and Hey, bloominglater - what's up with the Vitamin B? I've not heard about that before? What is it supposed to do? What's one more supplement? I take some for arthritis, some for menopause, some for osteoporosis, so if the B supplement will help in some way - why not?! Tell me, tell me and WELCOME! Good luck to you -
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Hi I hope I have the strength or will power it takes to do this. good luck to you.
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Ok, so I set my date for March 1st. I have to be sure to visit here at least once a day to keep the motivation going. Good luck, good luck, good luck!!
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I just found this website today. I am tracking my triggers and have set a quite date for March 4. Good Luck to us ALL:)
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Sometimess I don't know if I can quit either. Yet I am going to give it all I can.
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Debbie, you go girl! It sounds like you and I are on similar paths - same age, length of smoking about the same, etc. I will not kid you - this is NOT an easy thing. This will be my 3rd attempt in 2 years. I am DETERMINED that this will be the LAST time, but also have my concerns. When I read all the comments, everyone else seems so committed to this quest and I sometimes feel that I am too weak to REALLY be successful. There is a lot of encouragement on this site, but's me, not them/you. I will be rooting for you and for myself too.
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I have had the best success with Chantix - the vivid dreams are a bit bothersome, but compared with another surgery, chemo &/or radiation, I'm thinking the dreams are a much better "deal" - talk to your MD, if you've not already...mine has been MOST supportive. Keeping you in my thoughts!
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I tried Chantex for a little while before I quit. I quit the Chantex before I quit smoking, but I thought the dreams were amazing! I enjoyed them. What I did NOT enjoy was the light sleeping and waking up several times a night having no idea what time it was.
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