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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Replies

The hardest time for me is night time. I can sometimes make it a couple hours before having to light up in the morning. Sometimes I've even made it through the work day but once I get home I have no self control. So I guess the solution is to keep busier at night.

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Libo, I am most definitely no expert on the subject but what I've learned from the numerous times I've tried to quit is that no matter what I think or try to convince myself....I cannot have just one... I always get to about the two week point and think it"s ok to just sneak one and that is it for me. One leads to two and doesn't stop.... I wish I had learned that the first time around.... Good Luck!!!

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Terri here, I like going by T, signed up today and ready to quit. I've been smoking since I was 15. Too long. Dad's slowly dying of cancer, I hate seeing him whittle away to nothing. I'm a lot like him and have a great fear of my life ending the same way as his. I don't want my kids to have to go through what I'm going thru. Seeing my dad struggle to keep his breath, being willing to join a clinical cancer study even if it doesn't help him may help someone else down the road. What a trooper he is. I adore him and am doing what I can to help him through these tough times. Have set 3/1 as my day to be completely smoke free.

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Hi!  I'm here too - quit date of March 1st.  It seems like such an impossibility.  I can't even imagine myself smoke free.  I try to envision six months down the road - no cigarettes.  wow.  I am so excited to have found you guys.  It helps just to know I'm not alone!

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second nite coming to site, kids are in bed, me time. I've tried keeping track of my smoking on the calendar, but that won't work for me because I very rarely sit and smoke a whole cig at a time, majority are 1/2 here and other 1/2 later. The calendar on site only allows you to keep track of 1 cig each time. Did good today only smoked a total of four cigs. Still hard though, always on my mind.

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Dear T, way to go only 4 that is not bad compared to my 15 i had yesterday. I am slowly cutting back.

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I joined today and set my quit date as March 1st. It seems like so far away but i know its going to ge a hard road. any suggestions on how i can cut back?

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I've also set my quit date for March 1st. This is my first day being active on this site and I'm hopeful it'll help me make the permanent change to being a non-smoker. Right now I'm working on my list of reasons to quit and identifying my triggers as well as tracking when I have a cigarette. So far I haven't smoked today but that usually goes downhill when I get home from work . . . we'll see how long I can last.

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good morning all,

i have set my quit date to be march 8, 2 months after i started tracking my cigs (which was yesturday).  i'm new to the site and decided i'd like to plug in and get as much support as possible.  i have tried quitting so many times i decided to do something different this time- so tracking cigs will be new.  good luck to everyone.  if i run across any useful information i'll make sure i share on here.

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Hello all. My name is Carrie and I just set my quit date for 3/1. I read "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr and I quit for a week. But went right back to the old ways. I'm really hoping it works this time! Well, just wanted to say hi and good luck to everyone!!

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