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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Replies

I knew that at the 1st of the year, that i would like to quit smoking.I have been tracking my smoking and everyday trying to cut back if and when I can. I know that some days are harder to deal with and other days are very light. I thought if i knew some people who had the same quit date as mine maybe we could support each other.

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I'm with ya!  March 1st it is, just trying to figure out what type of help I'm going to be using, whether it's the patch or Chantix.  I like this quit date because it is more random than the typical New Year's resolution, plus I'm starting a new job this week.  So good luck and I'm here for ya!

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My quit date is march 2. Does that count? I have been trying to see how this website can help. I see alot of good things here that seem helpful. Any suggestions? I have been tracking my smokes for about 3-4 days.

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I have a quit day of March 1st and am kinda nervous. I have been smoking for 11 years and have come to depend on them because of my depression. I currently live in a very stressful home environment and am out of work which makes things even worse. However I really want to quit for my son, and to save my relationship with my non-smoking boyfriend. Does anyone out there have any tips that could help me?

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Hello everyone, I am so glad that I am not the only one with the quit date of March 1st. I have been trying to cut back as well, but today was my first day back to college, and I have smoked alot today, so I have to cut back.  We all need to keep each other going on the ban to quit. 

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Just joined today. I have a quit date of March 1st, also. Just thinking about quitting makes me a bit nervous. I have anxiety and depression and I fear they will "kick into high gear." I need all the support I can get. Thanks in advance!

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If you chose the patch or the Chantix please read the side effect and keep an close on on yourself that is all I have to say. I did the patch and when it can time to step down i ended up smoking again. I had some really messed up dreams and they were so real that i would wake up just sweating. I do know a few people who chose to do the Chantix and one did really well and the other did really bad on it. If i had ins. I think i would try chantix just because i want to quit so bad.

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March 1st it is for me too.....  just joined today....  I have tried to quit many times but have never succeeded for more than 2 weeks. I always thought these support group websites were a joke, but maybe that is what I've been doing wrong. My roommate (who I see has also joined this group) told me about this site, I figured I'd give it a shot. The fact that she is going to quit too, may make the difference his time also. The thing that has made it hardest in the past, is the fact that I've always lived with smokers. So I am very excited that won't be an issue this time. I am going to try and cut back over the next 2 months and then go cold turkey on the first. I've tried Welbuterin as well as the patch in the past and didn't like the way I felt while on them. I've known a couple people who have quit successfully using chantix but I am not willing to deal with certain side affects that come with it. So I think cold turkey is the way for me. Good luck to all ! 🙂

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What is your hardest time of the  day? For me it would have to be mornings, I can't seem to get on with my life with out a smoke. So my solution is when i get up in the morning I wait to see how long I can go without a smoke. Yesterday I made it up to 55 mins, so today I am going to try and go an hour and 20 mins.

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This is the first time I am trying to quit after 30 + years.  I set a date of March 5th.  It's a start.  I'm finally trying to think about quiting.  Any advise for a first timer??

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