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March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Replies

Keep up the strength Sandi. Now next time you can just think back to this to get you through.
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I am so proud of you sandi. I know that after thrill of making it through week one was over, I could see that if i was to fall it would be in the weeks that followed That's when one lets their guard down and thinks, Oh just one puff, or one cigarette won't kill me. HUH! Before you know it you are right back to where you started. Careful everyone, that"s when the nicotine monster does his best work. Find a new hobby, at this point, or read, do puzzles, anything but smoke!
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Way to go Sandi. For all of us 12 steppers we know to be careful of the "Pink Cloud". The nicotine nemesis is also cunning and baffling. Today is Day 8 for me and I'm glad it's here. An incident happened last night in which I surely would have lit up. My guard was lowered and my addiction tried to jump over it but I smacked it down in mid air. Just repetaed to myself "I AM in control" over and over until all was calm. Thank GOD, my Higher Power, it worked like a charm. Besides I remembered what I read here a while back, the only difference smoking would have made would have been to make me feel worse. That's it, no change in the outcome.

  We've got The Power
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A merry day to all! Today is my fifth day of not smoking and my third in cutting back on the gum chewing. It is also day 5 for my eldest son who lives at home with me. Thus far it's been a great start.
  I have been avoiding our local market where I bought most of the cigarette, and the check-out register - the only lane to buy them - at the grocery store. I am sure I am in control but why tempt myself! My walks have been getting longer and the pace has been growing faster ... My sense of smell and taste are becoming keener ... My purse is holding more cash! It has been a difficult but well worthwhile struggle. Each day my teenage son tells his brother and me how proud he is of us! His praises are priceless!
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Congratulations Bobby! You are absolutely right, smoking will not make anything better it will only make us feel worse and absolutely will not change the outcome anyway. Today is day nine for me and I am so grateful. I am not thinking about smoking as often as I did just a day ago and I feel a powerful sense of hope. This morning is the first time I did not crack my car window on the way to work (habit since I always smoked in the car). I noticed when I was getting out of the car and did go to roll it back up!! I know what you mean Mary, about your sons praises being priceless. My 4 and 6 yr old girls were talking about how mommy doesn't smoke anymore because it is bad for her and I just about cried.
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Good morning All, Glad to de everyone is hanging in there! Your doing great. Have a great smoke free day.
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Hey Everyone Today Is Day Two For Me And I Am Feeling Great. Yesterday I Spent Alot Of Time Outside Working On My Yard. My Fience Still Smokes But He Still Hasn't Picked His Quit Date Yet, But That Doesn't Bother Me, Because I Am Stronger Then The 15 Minute Cigarette Crave. I Take Three Or Four Deep And Slow Breaths, That Works For Me. Great Job Sandi. It Is Funny That You Poured Your Soda On Them. Way To Go Bobby I Am On My Way There.
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Good morning all. I hope everyone is doing well. I went cold turkey 6 days ago and I have not had any hand to mouth cravings but boy I sure do have from time to time a strong urge that I want to inhale one. With each day this does seem to get a little easier and so far I have not caved in and mooched or bought any cigs (and don't plan to buy since prices have increased). I am hanging in there and I hope everyone else is too. You all have a GREAT (smoke-free) day. 🙂
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Well I see it's still morning so I guess I'll say GoodMorning. I've just started after 28 years of smoking and it's one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do. Hopefully with the help from everyone, I might make being an EX a possibility this time.Hope everyone has a good day!
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Hello to all & Happy Tuesday. Congratulations to everyone who remains a non-smoker today. Your lungs appreciate it. Today is my day 11 and I just keep feeling better and better.
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