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Give and get support around quitting

Makes No Sense at all!

Who knows why - maybe stress,maybe uncertainty of life but I am having smoking memories today. One thing I do know is that I decided a very long time ago N.O.P.E. so I'll just stay busy until it passes. I have zero reasons for smoking! 

19 Replies

Memories are just that. They are not a call to action. So, remember all you want and then simply do nothing about them.


I know EXACTLY what you mean, sometimes, those thoughts come into my mind and they always seem to surprise me.  I try to figure out WHY and I can always come up with something that triggered it.  It's usually sadness that I am trying to stuff, sometimes, it is pain, but once I remember that smoking never helped with any of those takes the power away.

We are all so very lucky to have you, Thomas, I know that you have saved many a quit and I know, beyond a doubt that you won't smoke.




And they do come out of the blue! Sometimes just a fleeting thought, sometimes a nagging persistent urge.

Amen and there by the grace of God we forge ahead


Sorry Thomas3.20.2010‌ that you are having such a distressing thing happen just before your 10-year anniversary of quitting tobacco. I just glanced over the MANY post titles on your homepage. Such helpful encouragement you have shared with us. 

However, I didn't find a letter saying goodbye to your cigarettes. If you have written one, perhaps you might read it over to strengthen you today. Or, if you haven't written one yet, might it be helpful to do it now?

This is my letter if you care to read it. Just reading it over now helped strengthen my resolve to quit. 

Such wonderful advice and homage you've received in the above posts. You are cared for.

I send peaceful and comforting thoughts your way.


45 dof

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I wrote a letter and had a bit of a funeral ritual destroying the letter along with all my smoking paraphernalia. It solidified my quit journey.i still recommend it.

One thing I've noticed is memories seem to pop up around anniversaries. What helps is : thoughts are not commands. I get to decide.


Thanks for your response, Thomas! I never thought of the funeral ritual!! What a fantastic idea~ Am hoping your cravings have resolved!! 

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Long gone, SuzyQ411‌! Smoking memories don't dwell unless you romance the sickerettes. I don't. It's more like a nagging gnat and I easily walk away. N.O.P.E. is my flyswatter!


So happy to hear this Thomas3.20.2010‌ and love the image of NOPE being your flyswatter!!

0 Kudos


Last night I dreamed my treeing walker hound, Beaner, had been stuck in the lazy susan in the kitchen without food or water for days. It was like I forgot I even owned a dog and then all of a sudden there she was. I was a horrible doggie Mom and person. When I got her out, her tail thumped in appreciation... but there was something wrong with her back leg. I tried to get her to drink some water... she was so weak and thin.

My Beaner has been gone a year now, almost to the day. She died in her sleep after 14 years of love. I know I miss her but your thoughts made me want to mention my dream because it was sooooo real. SOOOOOO f'en real! I spent 45 years smoking. If I have dreams of smoking (and I'm sure I will) I hope I wake up and know that it's just my mind playing tricks on me. There were times in my life that I could have been more present in the moment. I should have been more present in the moment.

I know now, what being present in the moment really means.

My subconscious mind held on to my horrible habit and would have let me die, was fighting to let me die a horrible death by smoking.

Tell your mind to go F itself. At least it worked for me




JUST sharing - naps help refresh the body soul and spirit