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Make up your Mind!

Image result for change your mind change your life I try to look at the bright side of life, including this quit smoking thing. When we quit smoking we start experiencing life without a cigarette. In the beginning it may not feel so grand. We go through cravings, urges, withdrawal and discomfort.  In my mind I called it “my cleansing”.  Some equate quitting as the end of a friendship but to me it was a “new beginning”.  A brighter path of living and learning that I can be my own best friend and love myself more without a "stinkin’ sickerette".  This process did not happen overnight it is a continuation of changing my mind even up to day #802. You actually begin to live and learn to do what you believed you couldn’t.

Out of 7 siblings, I am the only one who got hooked on cigarettes for a long time. My father would tell me whatever I needed to quit he would get it for me.  At the time I would not entertain it.  Looking back I didn’t believe I could quit. It was not high on my agenda. I remember the day very well what he said to me about smoking, “You can do whatever you set your mind to do”.  Of course, I have used these words of wisdom in other areas of my life but never to quit smoking. 

Fast forward 25-30 years later, here I am smoke free.  Why?  Because I changed my stinkin’ thinkin’ and made up my mind that I would and could quit smoking.  Believe it or not, having the right mindset to quitting smoking along with education you can be successful.  Having a made up mind, not turning back, truly believing and knowing within yourself that you are on the right path you can do this.  If you remain focused with your decision and not allow anyone, not a thing, or reason to pick up a stinkin’ cigarette again you can make it.

 I made up my mind that I would never literally touch one ever again. That is why NOPE is an EXcellent effective tool to use.  What NOPE says is no matter what ….death, divorce, heartbreak, sickness, injury, accident, loneliness, home or job loss is not an EXcuse to smoke. NOPE means you are going to be prepared no matter what is happening in my life so you will not smoke.  You will have your tool kit ready because you have made up your mind that you are not going to fail. NOPE means is that you have a plan when an urge comes.  NOPE means that you will protect your quit by any means necessary because you have made up your mind that failing is not an option.  You have made up your mind that you are going to go through hell and back to get through.  You have made up your mind that you are up to the task not to smoke no matter how difficult it may be.  Your mind is made up even if you have to cry, stomp, scream or moan but you can also sing, pray, dance and laugh.  Whatever it takes no matter what!  I use to tell myself just that. Whatever it takes no matter what!  Bottom line, I will not smoke NOT ONE PUFF EVER!  NO MATTER WHAT! has kept me free. When you have a made up mind you will not find an EXcuse to smoke.  Make up your mind that you are a nonsmoker!  Another thing my daddy would a always tell me….There is no such thing as “can’t”!

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7 Replies


Good morning Jackie, what a perfect blog this first morning of my new quit. I have made up my mind in exactly all that you have said. I've learned that here and through all the reading and studying I have been doing. Your blog is as if it were written just for me.  Funny, I have 7 siblings as well and me the only one addicted to smoking!


Well put Jackie. Beautiful Blog.

Decided, plan, no looking back!! NOPE!!

Mags1360 DOF



Jackie, this is a wonderful blog! I learned the very hardest way that if we let our guard down and forget to NOPE a great quit can get thrown away! So I am, planned, prepared and protecting my quit and I will be NOPE for the rest of my days! Thanks so much for this blog!  ~Terrie~


JACKIE1-25-15‌ This is SO TRUE, no matter where we are in our quits, we need to remind ourselves that this IS a journey!


Great blog Jackie!