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Lung Pain

I'm on day 18 and almost every evening I have horrible lung pain, even though I'm breathing better. Anyone else ever experienced this?

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36 Replies

Wow Ellen, you really have been through the mill. My hat's off to you. I am glad you are here to educate us newbies. I did have a spirometry test at Mayo Clinic this last summer when I went for there quit smoking program, though I only stayed off cigarettes for 3 weeks, I did learn a lot and they did a spirometry test. My lung function was at 34%. That scared the hell out of me. It improved slightly with Albuterol. I bet if I wait 6 months and have another one it will come out a lot better. I did have a CT scan about a year ago and several nodules in my lower left lung had not change size or shape since the last time they used a scan on it. So they said basically I was okay as far as lung cancer goes. But I have pretty bad emphysema, they didn't tell me what stage. I guess I didn't want to know.

I agree with you Ellen about taking a pair of lungs from a donor at our age. Much better to go to a younger person who has a longer life ahead of them. And who hasn't done the damage themselves to their own lungs. Easy for me to say. But faced with certain death I might change my mind.

 did I tell you I graduated to the 14 mg patch? It's my second day on it. A good notice the drop-in nicotine and actually use nicotine gum yesterday to get through the day. I don't use it very often because I don't like it but it helped me yesterday.


 Gma_Bernie   Good for you, dropping the nicotine.  I am glad that you had a spirometry and the CT scan...I was so scared when I was waiting for those results.  I work pretty hard to keep going now.  I honestly don't think I would be a candidate for a transplant any scoliosis is so bad that they would have to remove ribs to keep them from crushing normal sized lungs.  I can also tell you that after going through that last surgery...there is no way that I will voluntarily go through something like that again.  To wake up from surgery and have chest tubes sticking out of you on both sides is horrifying and the pain is like nothing I have ever endured and I am no wimp when it comes to pain.

I am glad you had the testing and you are aware of where you stand.  I asked what stage my COPD was in and my doc said "moderate"...really?  


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Hi Ellen. Thanks for your response. I am on the 14 mg. patch for another 3

weeks before I go down to the 7 mg. I tried augmenting the patch with the

gum since they sent it to me free from the MN quitplan program, but after

several days of chewing it (and I know you don't chew continuously) I

developed some pretty severe mouth sores like I've never had. I won't be

using it anymore. I can't even wear my partial that provides chewing

surface to the right side of my mouth. It's digging into the place that is

worn through and bleeding. So much for nicotine gum.

Otherwise, my life is pretty much as it has been. I've been going to the

YWCA for stretch and yoga classes and that helps my pain. But the list of

responsibilities around the house hasn't decreased but only increased, so

much happening with the senior and sophomore grandkids. And I try to

maintain relationships with my own children, 3 of them. I actually went to

a movie 2 Sundays in a row with my youngest, Elliot. My butt was hurting

fantastically by the end of the movie. I have taken to putting Ben Gay on

it, but it only lasts an hour or so. I might try the patches like icy hot

and see if that works better. I have issues with my sitting bones, "ischial

tuberosities". They tried steroid injections but they didn't help. I hate

that I can't sit, because I love knitting but the sitting is impossible. If

I had just the right chair that would take the pressure off the bones but

still keep me upright enough to knit . . .

Well, off the begin my Saturday chores. Picking up clutter, putting things

away, making a grocery list and meal plan for the next week (my husband has

to shop), and doing laundry. Will keep me busy all day. I just don't feel

right if things aren't tidied up, rugs shaken, surfaces wipes, you know,

the way our mother's taught us.

Anyway, hope you have a good day. And it's going to be a fantastic day

BECAUSE WE'RE SMOKE FREE! 47 days for me.Bernie





On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 8:36 PM, elvan <>

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Have you tried one of these? Nova 3in. Convoluted Foam Cushion Without Cover for 18"x16" Wheelchair | Walgreens 

I used one when I came home from the rehab hospital and was sitting for long periods of time. 

Hope it might help?


Sorry youngatheart, I dont remember your name. Thank you for the

suggestion. I will check it out. Was it just a thick foam pillow?

On Jan 20, 2018 12:10 PM, "Youngatheart.7.4.12" <

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It is foam with thick fingers that stick up so the weight is distributed and not in one place. It provides support without pressure. I have seen them for sale IN Walgreens.  They are mostly used by people in wheelchairs because their sits bones Just put a pillow case over  it - no need for a cover. 

I hope it will help!


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Thank you Nancy!

On Jan 20, 2018 1:37 PM, "Youngatheart.7.4.12" <

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I also use those neck pillows that are designed for travel...I use two of them and move them around to get the pressure off my sensitive areas.  I move them around, a LOT.

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Ellen, I can't even imagine the pain you went through, and still go through. My little tiny bit of heaviness is nothing compared to that. Thank you for sharing your story. Much love,



You sound like you've got this...good.  As we get older, we need to be more patient with our bodies...God know they were patient with our addiction.



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