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Give and get support around quitting


Lung Cancer

Hi, all!, I'm new to all this so bare with me. I know I'll probably get slammed for this, but I'm a smoking cancer survivor. I've tried so many times to quit, with no luck. I was wondering if there may be anyone else on here who is also living with this type of guilt?
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16 Replies

Wow, LeAnn. I really feel for you. I haven't had lung cancer but I understand your guilt. We all know that it's bad for us and that cancer is up the road somewhere if it doesn't stop - at least, I know it. It's always on my mind so I have a small fraction of your guilt.

Have you set a date?
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LeAnn, this is your chance. This may be your last chance. Please browse the site and take what you need and put it to practice. I know you can do this, and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And don't skip your checkups! We will support you any way we can.
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LeAnn, I just joined this group, But I know a little about what you are feeling. I tried reciently using the chantix that the Dr. gave me because they found a spot on my lungs. Cancer runs in my family and I have smoked for over 30 years. With the chantix I quit for over a month. Then started back when the stress of my bi-polar condition got worse and I was going through court procedings with my daughter over the grandkids I am raising. I hid my smoking form everyone for a while and still lots of people I see do not know that I am smoking again. I know I need to quit, I want to quit I jsut do not have the will power to do it alone. My husband smokes and will not quit with me. And will not even stop smoking in the house. He smokes in the bedroom and bathroom. But I have to sleep in the bedroom and go to the bathroom after he has been in there smoking. so being around it just makes me want one even more. Each time I light one up I feel the guilt. and I have all kinds of excuses for lighting up. "it calms my nerves" "it keeps me from eating so much" all the usual things that goes along with smoking. I have not set my quit date yet but am planning to do it soon. I have to quit my health and my granddaughters health depends on it. Also me being around to finish raising them depends on it. So this is gonna have to work this time.
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Kalaine, I havent set a quit date just yet. It will probably be on June 6th. That was my dad's birthday. He died from lung cancer 23 yrs. ago. Thanks for asking. I want to quit with all my heart, maybe I just need some support to go along with everything else.
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Thanks Fiveblessings. I think I'm more determined this time!
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Darlene I think you are a Godsend! We have SO MUCH in common. I am raising my cousins little boy. He's 4, we got permanant custody of him last May. My oldest daughter lives with us as well as 2 of her children, so I understand the stress. My hubby also smokes. He will go outside if I ask him to. (He did the last time I tried to quit). I just felt guilty asking him to because it was so cold outside, but it's warm out now so look out! Surely if he loves you he'd be willing to do anything to have you around for a while. Did you find out what the spot is on your lung?
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LeAnn - I just joined and am excited for the first time because this seems to be a community of people who understand how smokers, like us, defy all logic by continuing to smoke. People who don't smoke think that the simple knowledge how bad it is should be enough to make it easy. I feel, sometimes, like part idiot, part failure and part outcast because people can't, really, understand the struggle unless they've been there. I want to talk to people who know what it's about. I will be happy to support your efforts. Have you used the interactive tools yet?
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Boy are you right! People who have never smoked just don't get it! Sometime even ex-smokers (those who are able to quit cold turkey) can be just as bad. My uncle quit cold turkey and thinks if he did it then anyone can. He doesnt realize that everyone is different.
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Leann I had a PET scan done and they said it was a cancer spot but was not the fast growing kind. THANK GOD. I have to have cat scans every 3 or 4 months to see how it is growing if any. I also have COPD so that is another reason I need to quit. And it is time for my next scan next month. Hopefully I can go back in to my lung spec. and tell him I am an EX-smoker.
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