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Give and get support around quitting


Love and smoking

I want going to post. I slipped. Was embarrassed that I gave in yet again. Excuses, excuses. i wanted it so i did it.

14 Respuestas

So I guess you have to need to love not smoking more than smoking?  Is that why you mentioned love in your title?   May I suggest you go back and re-read your content here and the responses.  Then head for Relapse Prevention‌ and read through all the material in there.

"i wanted it so i did it."  A want is not a command.

You keep practicing day ones.  Practice Day Wons instead.


This was me. I failed more times than I can remember. So you figure out what happened this time, okay? What was more important than sticking to your quit? For me anyway.....I came to understand that no matter what the situation was , my quit had to take priority, If I had to remove myself from circumstances that I KNEW would weaken my resolve to stay focused on my quit, then I did that.

Don't feel bad/embarressed about letting us down, we are always going to be here to support you. Thats a given on my end anyway. Cheer up. This is doable, one day at a time. PLEASE read the link Giulia provided to you. It is PRICELESS


Oh MY, I can't count high enough to tell you how many times I started over.  Quitting smoking was the best thing I ever did for myself, my family, and my friends.  You CAN do this, ANYONE can do takes education, support, and your commitment not to smoke no matter what. PLAN how you will celebrate without smoking.


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 Did you smoke when you reached the top of Mount St. Helens? 

 That was probably quite the climb  and I bet you felt so proud. Just think how proud you’ll feel after one year of not smoking and joining the 6% of the smokers that stay quit !

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No way!!! lol I def did not smoke at the top. I just dumped all my emo baggage in to the crater and sobbed.