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Give and get support around quitting


Love Yourself Chapter 2

This is our new spot as the other got way too long.   That is kind of a good thing though....people finding a spot to get the support they need and share with the rest of us how they are working on building that love.   

So, let's keep the ball rolling and join in this.

Love you.....Love myself!

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A very good morning to each of you my friends and fellow Exers, Sharon  (smorgy8513 ) has been on my mind alot these last couple of days so lets send Extra good thoughts and prayers up our sweet friend and fellow and that she can feel God's loving arms around her.


Thank you Marilyn for the special love message this morning.

I'm doing ok....physically feeling good as I'm not on chemo right now.

But emotionally I have a lot on my mind.    Worried about youngest son and his depression.     Feel like I'm walking on eggshells with my oldest one.    And then constantly on my mind about moving to NM.     Money is going to be a big issue and then moving out there on my own.     I'm just trusting that if this is God's plan for me it will all fall in place.

Loving myself????    

Most days I like me.....some days not.  

Always working on loving myself.     

Do any of you recognize (or even have) the inner messages playing from childhood?      

I had a lot of negative comments that I lived with....especially from my mom.    So, when I think I'm doing ok I get one of those run through my head.

But I fight it more now....tell myself that it is not true.

And all of you help me in so many ways.

Thanks and love.


I have the little voice in my head from my childhood too and like you Sharon some days I'm doing just fine liking myself pretty good and trying to love myself just hasn't happened yet and I do believe it's issues from my childhood and being married the 1st time at barely being 16 thinking life would be better but that wasn't the case, I gave that marriage 13 yrs of my life, anyway love, prayers and cyber hugs for you smorgy8513 and to each of you reading this as Sharon's pic says Tell the negative committee inside your head to sit down and shut up ! We need to hold our heads up high and know that we are worthy of caring for ourselves and know that we must love ourselves because we deserve it !

With God's Help All things are possible! May you all have a Wonderful Day full of Blessings! Worrying just blocks our way to Gratitude!


Morning Friends!    Had to take Jeff down to emergency room at 11:30 last night.    He does carving and was working on a piece out on the steps and I was in bed.   Heard him knocking on door and thought he had just locked himself out.  He rushed in and said that he had cut himself.      By the time we got down to ER and they started working on him we could see that the small artery in palm of end had been cut.   It was just spurting out when they took off the pad.    He is on coumadin so blood doesn't clot as well.     They took inside stitches, xray to make sure that he hadn't left the tip of the knife in there.     Then wrapped it up.     We got home at 3 a.m.             Here is the funny part (and I know I can share it here even if I don't share it anywhere else).....I have upper and lower dentures and forgot to put them in so I was down talking to drs and nurses and looking like a hillbilly grandma!!!!

Have a great day!


Oh my, Sharon.  At least you were there for him, a severed artery is no joke.  I have partials and when I forget to put them in, I am always astounded, like that dream of showing up naked for a big speech.  It's not quite that bad but it sure feels like it is.  The day my grandson was born, my daughter called me and needed a ride to the hospital (she did not think she was in labor).  I had taken something to sleep and my hair was in rollers.  I ripped the rollers out and drank a cup of super strong instant coffee and drove like a maniac to the hospital half an hour away.  I kept hoping and praying that a cop would pull me over and give me an escort.  She put her feet on the dashboard and said she had to push.  I told her NO, NO MATTER WHAT, DO NOT PUSH.  We got to the hospital and walked through the doors, got her in a wheelchair and to OB and her son was born within minutes, it would have been seconds but they were trying to hold her off until the doc arrived.  He got there 15 minutes later and there was no way that kid was waiting to arrive.

I hope Jeff does alright and doesn't have any other damage.  SO GLAD YOU WERE THERE.  I love you and think of you so often, my friend.


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Aaah, you're so sweet I'm really glad that you were strong enough to be able to get him to the hospital so quickly dentures or not. You are a wonderful Mother and I really hope Jeff realizes that. (((((smorgy8513 gentle hugs)))))

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Good Thursday Morning to each of you reading this, I'm hoping that all of us are having a good start to the day let's put on a smile even if we'd rather be wearing a frown let's turn that frown upside down and and hopefully we can be a helping hand to someone elses day today....

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Good Morning all!     Marilyn, I agree about the smile.       One thing I would add though is that we are taking care of ourselves with those smiles.    For years I smiled, nodded and agreed with people even if I didn't.    I didn't take care of now I found that I can still smile, nod and agree with people while I'm sharing my own self!

I do want to think today about how I'm blessed.......

Can we add what we're feeling blessed about today?


May your day be blessed!


Thanks smorgy8513 ,you're right about nodding and smiling and agreeing with whatever is being said even if I didn't so thank you for reminding me of that. I try now to speak up if I'm not in agreement with someone to give my opinion on the situation because my thoughts matter at least to me, I feel blessed today for the sunshine even though the wind is howling outside I am blessed to be warm inside my home with lots of wood for the furnace and food in my cupboards, fridge, freezer and cold room.