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Give and get support around quitting


Love Yourself Chapter 2

This is our new spot as the other got way too long.   That is kind of a good thing though....people finding a spot to get the support they need and share with the rest of us how they are working on building that love.   

So, let's keep the ball rolling and join in this.

Love you.....Love myself!

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A very good afternoon to each of you, quitting smoking is definitely one sure way to show ourselves that we care by kicking the poisonous cancer sticks to the curb and start living a life of Freedom because if we don't take care of ourselves nobody can and we're definitely worth being loved by others and we need to learn to love ourselves! 


Evening all.  22h45 down south and I should be in bed but...I can't stop reading.  I think I've found the substitute addiction to my nicotine addiction.  It's YOU!  A much healthier choice, don't you think?  Marilyn I've been trying to get it through my thick skull that I matter.  That I'm worth looking after and caring for myself.  

I find it way easier to take care of others.  I literally drop whatever I'm doing if someone needs help, transport, a shoulder, a babysitter, a letter typed name it.  I realise I'm a people-pleaser and don't spend any time on myself.  

This is not my pity party, it is just the way I'm put together.  It's where I find my worth...knowing people can depend on me ALL THE TIME.  And I'm aware that saying 'no sorry, not today' won't kill anyone, I just find it impossible to say.  

So quitting smokes is my 2nd step in starting to take care of myself, for else.  I'm trying to make my eating plan and my smoke-quitting plan only about me.  I'm not doing it for anyone else.   Yes hubby worries about my health and lives with the smoking unwillingly.  But I'm not even doing it for him although I know it will benefit his lungs too!

This is so important to me.  I'm still doubting my ability to say NOPE but I just know if I remain on this site and connected to you, I stand a really good chance of success.

Then I read about a newbie today and everything she's endured and still enduring and I wonder WHAT IS MY PROBLEM??!  I've had none of those setbacks in my life and she's living it daily AND planning her quit.  I'm blessed with SO MUCH everyday and I'm killing it with bloody cigarettes.  Where's my brain?


Bree19‌ , you touched my heart while I was reading this  because you were writing directly from your heart and soul and I am so much like you in how I give of myself even after I'm totally drained from whatever I might be doing if someone needs me I'm there for them but we'll have to try to start thinking about ourselves a little more but at least in your quit and mine too our quits are for us and you my friend are doing great as long as you stick with N.O.P.E , you cannot fail because you are winning the war against the dreaded nicotine poison one precious smoke free day at a time. I know there's people so much worse off that has more on their plate but is doing well in their quit and that's fantastic but when you're in the throws of a horrendous craving that's the last thing on a persons mind, just remember this is one powerful addiction that's trying FB_IMG_1485523282118.jpgto pull you back in but thankfully you don't smoke anymore and remember  - S.I.N.A.O - Smoking is not an option......this pic posted a little on the strange side but that's ok.♡


i have two thoughts, the newbie is inspiring! and yes i need to love myself but i have trouble with that. it helps to read ya's words! thanks

I know what you mean, Bree! Even my profession is care providing for other people! But I have learned through Smoking Cessation that making myself a priority is worth it! I have also learned to set limits and that has made me a happier person! I finally figured out that it also empowers that other person to find their own ways and tools to get things done! WIN - WIN! Right now, it might seem like a stretch from giving up the Sickerettes to Loving Myself but I assure you that in my Life they are intertwined!

Just start today by putting your QUIT first! That in itself is a Huge Step forward!



I feel like the baby looking up to her sisters and brothers and cannot wait to to get to grow as tall as they are.

The work and words are very positive and supportive especially in the stillness of the early morning when I am not sleepy or worried.



December 3, 2018 is my quit date. Today is  my first day back on this site from 2 and a half years ago. I am entering every cigarette and what I will do to replace it. I did quit at one time for 3 years and then said "Oh I can have just one a day". WRONG. I went right back to 8 a day. Now I know that on December 3, I could NEVER have another one. I do not have the personality to be a social smoker. My husband doesn't know I smoke and I work at a hospital so I am not allowed to smoke at work which is how I keep it to 8 a day. Might as well just quit. This site has changed so much I am trying to figure out how to navigate it.


How are you doing bck55 navigating around the site? Sorry I never noticed you were here on the 9th of November, I just happened by this evening......

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I always tend to put others first as well.  I'm learning how to take some time just for me these days.  It's hard to do but I'm learning as I go along.  I'm even learning to ask for help with a few things when very desperatley needed.