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Looking for triggers in all the wrong places

it's truly amazing what sets me off.. salivating almost. Today, day 65 ish.. have been plugging along rather painlessly lately when BAM! I get hit with the blunt reminder that I'm not out of the woods yet! 

#1. Walgreens. Picking up a birthday card. Rather innocuous right? Well, until I'm at the cashier and become a Pavlovian puppy at the sight of the Marlboro behind her... 

I pay for my stuff and leave, sucking on a jolly rancher instead. BOY, that could have gone differently. 

#2. Bought some stuff this weekend and had the boxes to break down and take to the fire pit. Hadn't lit the fire pit up since last fall. Oh, my heavens did the smell of bonfire, smoke, crackling burning stuff take me back down a sensory memory lane. I was practically sitting on the log with a Marlboro in one hand and a... NOPE! I don't do that anymore!!!!

so, I took a DEEP breath, threw the  ball a few times for my dog, and really enjoyed the beautiful fresh air.... 


Pitfalls are everywhere. We will always be vulnerable and have to work hard to protect our quits. i heard your voices today at Walgreens and again at the firepit. Thank you for your wisdom!!! 

Quitting is easy. STAYING Quit is another story! 

It was crystal clear to me today that I will need to guard this quit with everything I've got!!!! 

13 Replies

As you get more time in, you will find that those triggers become memories - but I STILL find myself thinking, "gee, but a cigarette would be nice right now" every once in awhile - even after almost 6 years.    A shake of my head and a change in my mind's direction is all it takes to be over it....but I understand how long time quits are lost.  The education here is priceless - and acceptance that for addicts there is no such thing as "just one" is essential.

I am sure you will be fine.  Be prepared - not surprised as you move forward.

You GOT this! 



It's amazing where right out of nowhere it's Bam and you wonder where it came from, I guess that's why we call the first four months or so of a quit NML because it's WOW when it hits but you are definitely rocking your quit and a super congrats to you on 65ish DOF and counting WTG, YAY for Smokefree living.....


Ooh, thanks for the warning about fires!  I often burn branches and brush in the late spring, early summer, then stand there watching and smoking.  I will definitely be on the lookout.  Good on you for dodging that one!


I LOVE THAT, "Quitting is easy. Staying quit..."  Was it Mark Twain or someone else who said, "I can quit smoking any time.  I've done it thousands of times."  Hahaha.  I remember feeling EXACTLY that way.  

Glad you are identifying those triggers and dealing with them.
