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Give and get support around quitting


Loneliness and Fear for all

Hello my friends.  I pray you are all doing well and are safe and healthy.  How the World has changed in the last few weeks.  Who would have ever thought we'd be living as we are right now.  It's a very difficult time for us all and I know the Stress and Anxiety are off the charts.  We are all strong people and will not turn back to smoking due to these dire times in our lives.  Continue to take the Pledge N.O.P.E.  We can do this.  

Many of us are out of work and separated from family and friends and it's a tough situation, especially those of us with elderly parents.  I haven't seen my mom in 3 weeks due to her facility being on Lock Down.  As many of you know my mom has dementia and cannot fully understand what's going on.  When we talk on the phone or do Facetime all she does is cry asking why we haven't seen her.  It is so difficult to explain what's going on and it leaves my sister and I feeling lost and helpless.  Dad has been gone for 6 months now and speaking with my sister she feels as if we've lost our mom and a bigger fear is, at 90 years old, she will succumb to the isolation and loneliness.

I don't know when this is going to end and how life will be changed for all of us.  We are living in a time that has so much uncertainty and our leaders, instead of working together, are at odds.  That is not helpful at all and I say Shame on them.  While our businesses are closed and most of us out of work, we ponder our future and pray we have something to go back to when it's all over.  My business has been closed for over a week; I closed before it was necessary to keep my staff and clients safe.  

I wanted to reach out to you all and include you in my prayers.  Now, that's all we can do.  Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Hope for a better future.

Miss ya all,


17 Replies

Oh Ralph----my heart goes out to your awful for these poor people. It is tough for all of us...but people who cannot understand what is going on.....just awful. You can only hang in there and pray this passes quickly.


Beautiful heartfelt blog, Ralph.  I never even considered this thought before, but at the moment I'm glad my parents are not on this earth at this moment in time.  I cannot imagine the pain of talking to a loved one on the phone who doesn't understand,  and whom you can't get to to wrap your arms around and hold them and tell them it's not because you don't care.  

Perhaps quitting has helped make us stronger than we were before. so we may be better able to get through this in a way we wouldn't have without having gone through the rite of passage quitting fire.  I think we will be stronger after going through - whatever it is we're going to go through in the next 6 months.  If it doesn't kill us, it's bound to make us stronger, right?!  We must stand tall, persevere.  We must learn from it and teach it to the next generation.  And, just as we have as Elders, we must be examples to those who follow.

Just like during WWII - countries did extraordinary things.  This can be a time to shine and learn and grow and bring forth the best in us.  This experience can change us for the good.  We need to aim for that, I think.

Sending love.


My mom is 90 years old as well and lives in a facility that has everything from apartments with minimal help, there is a section for more assisted living and then a full nursing home. She has slight dementia. so she has hr own apt. She misses singing in their chorus and barber shop quartet, eating with others to meet people.  Lord I hope this can be slowed down or a vaccine found.  Messes with my mind as well. Stay well


Do you know any of the songs she sings in her quartet?  Could you perhaps sing them with her over the phone?  Or get HER to sing?  Just a thought.


Similar situation as my mom. Her building has the Assisted living side and a nursing home side.  I'm doing facetime with her later this morning.  


 hello Ralph congrats STAYING a NON SMOKER just for YOU - YOUR WORTH it


I am so sorry for you and your Mom Ralph.  It's been over a month I haven't seen my parents.  They are at home, and are feeling the isolation too.  It's a very sad place our world right now.


Thank you Ralph this is a such a hard time for everyone but especially for our dear family members in these senior facilities I'm sending extra good thoughts and prayers for you and your Mom and everyone of us that have family and friends and acquaintances in the facilities.....