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Give and get support around quitting


Living with a smoker

Hello everyone.  First i want to thank everyone for all their comments of support.  I can't express my appreciation. 

I have been going over my quit plan (quit date is Monday) and realized I need to address an issue that seems to be out of my control.  My husband is a smoker.  We have never smoked in the house but do smoke in the garage, the yard and also in the car.  My husband knows i am quitting and is supportive of this.  He has been very concerned about my health.  But since he is not quitting there will be smoking items around the house and in the car and the general smell of smoking around me.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to handle this situation?

Thank you - Karyn

17 Replies

I am quitting (again) on Mon too. My husband smokes as well and is not interested in quitting but he does smoke outside and in the car. I believe I have to compromise about the car and leave the wondows slightly down. The thing is we have to be accountable to ourselves. My husbands smoking does not affect my health, mine does. At least they're not smoking in the house which would be a lot harder.


We can stop together!!  Thank you

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The fact you are aware of it is half the battle.  My first long term quit was when I lived with a smoker.  It just means that there is a shorter trip from giving into the nicotine lies and actually smoking.  For me, I am 3 blocks from the gas station to buy cigarettes.  I had 10 minutes between the decision and a smoke.  You have one.  Just do not allow your brain to entertain the lies of the nicotine bully!  Okay, maybe it isn't easy, but it can be done.  You can do this.



Thank you Greg.  Nicotine is the monster!!! 

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If your husband is supportive, perhaps ask him to smoke outside instead of the garage while it's nice outside, and maybe not in the car?  A good project to keep busy the first couple of days would be to get it cleaned up.  A chunk of sliced apple under each seat will get rid of the smell inside, and you should clean the insides of all the windows, the ashtray, etc.  If he MUST smoke in the car , ask him not to do it while you are in it!   He should keep his cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters out of your sight - at least in the beginning. 

I have seen it happen fairly often when a partner quits and the other one can see it's doable, they quit soon after.  Hope it's true in your case!  Be sure to share all the good things about quitting that you notice!

Let us know as you have questions or need support.



Thank you Nancy, I love the sliced apples in the car idea!

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Here is a link to blog in reference to Exer's that live with smokers.  The comments may help with how they handled it. 

Shout out to all Exers who have partners that smoke.   


it is what it is.  you can do it because you have so decided my friend!  enjoy your new freedom and hopefully hubby will see the light!  Keep us in the loop - we want to help!


I would have a hard time with that at the beginning! Hopefully he can make some sacrifices while you get through the first week or so!  Like no smoking in car, and if needs to, have the smoke go out the window as much as he can. Ask him to just take a moment to see how it would be if he was in your shoes.