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Give and get support around quitting


Little things

I just pledged not to smoke for today and snarkily noted that there was a smoker in the other room coughing like she does all day most days. I realized after I hit submit that it probably wasn't a nice thing for me to type, but it was bugging me and now it's not. When I hear people cough and see them continue to smoke, I just want to grab them and shake them and ask them to cut it out. I won't do that, though. I don't want to get slugged.

Yesterday, I had occasion to drive behind a Cracker Barrel restaurant to exit the parking lot. Sure enough, there were people out back smoking. Probably employees. When I went from smoking inside at work to smoking in designated areas at work to smoking outside at work to no smoking at work at all.... didn't I see the progression to pariah in there? Don't people see it now? Why did I or does anyone want to have to go stand outside and have everyone see me doing that just to smoke?

I went to a yard sale recently and there was a woman smoking by her car as her probable husband looked around. Again with the separation. I did this too. I smoked, knowing that others would be offended, staying apart from the group. What a hold that cigarette has on us.

When my kids were little, people smoked in public. I took them to the fireworks one year, put out the blanket, and proceeded to light up. A mother on a blanket in front of us turned around and asked me to please not smoke. I put it out and didn't light up again. I didn't smoke because she didn't want it around her child, not because I didn't want it around my children. Hell of an addiction.

Those are just a few of the random little things that cross my mind from time to time when it comes to my smoking and the current smoking habits one has to have to keep it up.


Day 168

12 Replies

Really great post, Donna!  Funny, I was just remembering this morning about how I used to smoke everywhere and anywhere, no matter who was around.  I mean, we used to light up in grocery stores and colleges, and grind them out on the floors.  What pigs we were!


Great points!

0 Kudos

Thank you Donna for sharing YOUR OWN experience and for your courage and SELF honesty and I AGREE - a horrid addiction - which I chose to DO - for 38 YEARS - Only by God's grace - TODAY - I am a NON SMOKER -  living NICOTINE  FREE - this DAY only !  YOU are not ALONE Donna- I didn't think of MY children's well being and YOU were kind to that person - MY answer was srew you and I smoked anyway -  that was ME - just sharing MY experience - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - CONGRATS on 168 DOF! Yahoooooo WAY TO GO!!! ❤gentle hug.


This is really a GREAT post Donna,  I could see myself in all of those scenarios, standing outside, separating myself from others.  Being annoyed hearing someone with the telltale smoker's cough that I certainly had.  You are a wise woman, Donna.


0 Kudos

I'm just reminded so many times how things are now and how they were then. I think part of why I go over this stuff in my head is a kind of subconscious motivation to stay quit.


I had a similar experience with my sister in law this weekend.......she and her daughter chain smoke. She was experiencing coughing fits....hacking, phlegm, eyes watering..... she was coughing so hard. This happened over and over as they  continued to light up and smoke. Sitting talking with them , my sister in law turned to me and said......."I really have to think about........"  and I was SURE she was going to say "QUIT SMOKING", but she said...with all of the denial we former smokers know SO well........."I really have to think about moving...the pollen here is killing me!" Yes.....for sure. The coughing is from the chance it was from the smoking.

I. too. ALMOST SAID-----GOOD GRIEF.......don't you think it's the smoking? But I did not. I did not do that because I know it never did anything for me but make me smoke more.

In any glad I don't do that any more. Hope you don't either!!!!!

0 Kudos

OY.  Yup.  Ain't no point in suggesting they quit BUT - I just KNOW there's some way to present our non-smoking/quit smoking point of view WITHOUT it being threatening.  I haven't discovered it yet, but I just KNOW there's a way to do that.  Why?  Because I don't think there's a smoker out there who doesn't in their heart of hearts NOT want to quit.  So there's GOT to be a way to reach them  Maybe through humor.  


I totally agree that all smokers want to be non smokers. What they DON'T want is to go through quitting because it has this myth of being totally impossible. Humor may be the answer (but definitely not with my sisters in humor there)


It IS the pollen for me now, but it was so much worse when I smoked! I don't have half the seasonal allergy issues I used to have.

We can lie and rationalize like the best thieves on the planet as smokers. I'm happy to have NOPE guiding me.


Day 169