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Letting go, and other Christmas cookies

Once upon a time, about 3 decades ago in my previous life, I had a big house in the country. I had everything I thought I wanted - 3 cats in the yard, a really neat house, an apple orchard, a thriving small business of my own.


Every Christmas season, I had a big open house at my home. I had the coolest collection of Christmas music. The most over the top garland up the open stairway, an 18' Christmas tree in the great room. And I baked for weeks in advance.


This particular Christmas was in the middle of a year I now think of as "the year of learning."


Nothing was going right. My house, underneath all its remodeling, was just an old farm house. The Great Room and half the house was heated by a huge wood burning fireplace. My husband, who had left me for "no reason" (whose named turned out to be something like Jane) also left me unprepared for the coming winter. I had to get a cord of firewood dropped in the drive, and then loaded by myself around to the back of the house, up onto a small porch. Every morning I got up to an ice-cold house, alone, in the country, on a dirt road that sometimes didn't get plowed for days if the snow was heavy in the rest of the county.


When the holidays arrived, I wanted my Christmas open house. Did I have to give up everything?


 And everything was going wrong. The day before the event, my road had been snowed in for almost a week. I couldn't get to the store. The stairs to the garage attic had broken and I couldn't get it fixed, to get to my many boxes of Christmas decorations, or to the holiday cookie cutters I always used - reindeer, Christmas trees, holly.


After flinging myself and everything I could think of about madly, I thought about just calling it off. But some friends had joked that they'd be there on snow-shoes if they had to. So I put away my recipes for stuffed figs, and hung up the idea of Christmas Open Houses Past.


I had the ingredients for sugar cookies, and I had three dinosaur Play Dough forms still in a drawer from when my nephew had visited over the summer. A new tradition was born - the Christmas dinosaur.


To greet my friends, who followed the snow-plow to my door, I played Eric Clapton and Bonnie Raitt. We all carried in firewood from snowy back porch. And then we munched down Christmas cookies that looked a bit like this:


A stegosaurus with Christmas tree lights down his back,

a brontosaurus in a sweater that had a big "L" in a circle, with a line through it (no-L),

and a ceratops with a giant wreath around her neck.


Happy holidays. Cheers to new traditions.

20 Replies

Thank you Pati, I just loved that Christmas Story you really made me smile!  I would love to see pictures of those cookies.


I am making some of my own this year!  I am not putting out all my old decorations ---- because I have been there and done that.  I am simplifying and starting NEW traditions.  I am selling my Woof & Poof Xmas musical dolls on e-Bay.    I used to cut the greens and make a 4' diameter wreath on a grapevine frame to hang on the front of my house.  When completed, it weighed about 25 pounds.  This year I got someone to get down my small Flexible Flyer sled from the garage rafters, coconut oiled it up, and hung it on the front of my house with a SMALL wreath I made for it.  I found, tested and am going to use the old fashioned Christmas lights of my parents (C-9 bulbs) with my garland across the front of my porch (only going to e lit about 4 hours a night because those bubs are HOT!) , and I am putting orange bulbs in candles in all my windows.  I have another two person Flexible Flyer that I am going to lean against a tree and adorn with a small string of the same lights (with a bike lock to a tree keeping it upright and safe).  I am not using the walkway lights, not lighting up my lamp post - and guess what?  I am not getting out all my Dept. 56 (?) houses and the skating pond.  I am only putting out the things that bring ME joy (and hope it will bring that to everyone else, too!)  Don't know about cookies yet - that decision is for another day!



So did the cookies look a bit like these?



c2q‌ What an inspiring blog, thank you for sharing your amazing Christmas of New Traditions.  I feel so overwhelmed trying to get everything done, I HAVE to accept the fact that I am the one putting the pressure on myself and I do not really HAVE to do that.  My kids are grown, it's not like there will be the Christmas morning excitement of the old days.  I can bake but not OVER bake, I can shop but not OVER shop, I can decorate simply and that is exactly what I am doing.  There is a little tree on the front porch with blue LED lights and there are blue LED lights on the railing of the side porch...VERY simple.  

The vision of your Christmas makes me smile and will keep me smiling throughout the Holiday season.



That sounds to me like a perfect Christmas.

I had many of those Christmases myself, shared with my family way out in the boondocks. Money, and time, were always tight, so we always made do with what we could get and what we had. Those were the best years of my life.

May your holidays be exactly what you want them to be.



Many years ago, I read The Bridges of Madison County by Robert Waller, and as an English major, thought it to be a beautifully written piece of work.  The plot was fine, but the writing style was so simple, so clean, that it allowed the reader to develop visuals in an uncluttered and clear manner.  To this day I can recall the beautiful prose of that book.  

You have that same writing style, Pati.  You once again provided us with a natural and almost poetic interaction between your past and our present day reality.  It is such a pleasure to read your blogs; you really should publish if you haven't previously.  

Thank you for sharing another beautiful piece of your life with us!


It;s the spirit of Christmas that makes every wrong right.  Happy Holidays.  Pass the cookies please. 


thanks! I just found the cutters I used on a site online, and I'm going to try to do up some rough sketches for you of what they looked like.


Cool! Your Christmas house sounds lovely and inviting. Those sleighs are a great idea. Pics, please, if you have any.