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Give and get support around quitting



Congrats Rob!
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159 Replies

Hi, all!  New to this group and to the EX site as well.  My name is Kathy, I'm 50 yrs old and have been smoking since age 15.  In my late teens and early 20s I was a 3-pack-a-day smoker yet quit twice --- once for almost two years and again for a little over a year at age 27-28.  Been smoking steadily ever since.  I'm at about a pack (sometimes a pack-and-a-half) a day.  I'm also an alcoholic, sober 7-1/2 years, so I know I can quit smoking just like I quit drinking, right?  WRONG!  I know that to stay sober I just don't drink, so I try telling myself that to become an ex-smoker I just need to not smoke.  So far, easier said than done.   I set my quit date for May 1st, by the way, and will probably try the nicotine gum.  I hear it tastes nasty.   Early in my sobriety I was fortunate to find a group of sober gays and lesbians, and what a wonderful experience that was!  Now to find THIS group, even though only online, makes me happy and gives me hope.  Thank you, and good luck to all of you.

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may 7th it will b 6 months sice i quit smoking I found this past 3 weeks it gets easier 4 some time i been avoiding going 2 places where people smoke like clubs and stuff but the last 3 weeks i have been out of town and around so many smokers i have always spent time with and they all smoke like chimneys around me still and i didnt smoke i did so good i know now that i can stay smoke free it didnt seem 2 hard yeah once in awhile i would think man that cig looks good but then i quickly redirect my thoughts and thought about how nasty they tasted when i attepted 2 smoke 1 after i quit 1 time i never got 2 the inhale part it was so nasty and they stink and thats when i realized i can do this i can stay smoke free

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 Hi all, been smokin for 34yrs and its time to stop so i can train & participate in my triatholons without dying!  I am registering today and want to quit May 17!  Please help with advise!  If any other Durham North Carolinians out there give me a shout!  thanks for your help!

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Hey y'all.  Just joined the site a couple of days ago.  Quit on May 30th - cold turkey and wanted to set myself up with some support - and people to be "accountable" to so I won't give in when I'm feeling weak.  Was really glad to find a Gay & Lesbian group on here.   Yesterday was really hard.  Today (day 5) has been better - but still no walk in the park.  I had a freind tell me yesterday - that day 8 was the hardest for her - and it got better after that.  Hope everyone has a great day!  Kevin

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Hello, today I have officially decided to quit, I am 26 years old, been smoking since I was 12, i just cant see myself kicking the habit without something to calm my nerves. Any suggestions?

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AmyRae - first you have to decide to quit.  If you don't make a serious committment you your quit you're just lying to yourself.  I quit hundreds of times - but never seriously.  I'd always cheat a little - then a little more - then be smoking again.

Set a quit date.  Whether that's today - 2 weeks - a month away.  But - once you set it - begin to seriously prepare.  Make it non-flexible - on ________ I will quit smoking forever.  Or as I see on here often - Not One Puff Ever!

Start working towards your quit.  I took "places" away.  I usually would smoke on my front porch.  So - I made myself walk to the end of the drive.  Then the next week - no more smoking in the car.   Then at work - I made mysef walk completely across the street.  By making smoking inconvenient I got to less than 1/2 pack a day.  Then I went cold turkey.

I've used patches, gum, wellbutrin - pretty much all the aids.  Of them, for me, the patches worked best.  They kept that panicky feeling at bay.  But - I usually would slip every time I went from stage 2 to stage 3.  I realized, for me, just stoping and suffering through a few days worked better.

Read up on how bad cigs are for you.  I went to and found it helpful.

'til later,


18 days and counting!

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Hey there people!!! My name is Candy and I am 29yrs old. I am fed up with smoking, and finally decided to go cold turkey. I am starting school in the fall, and feel like a hipocrite since I am going into the hethcare field. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated. It's so nice to find a place with my fellow gay and lesbians, to recieve help!!!!

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Hey Ms. Candy,

Welcome.  This group seems to be pretty slow.  I'd encourage you to write blogs and read the responses - seems to work better....'til later, Kevin

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this is my morning of day 4.  already realizing that this will be tough for a few days.  with the weekend here I do not have work to help avoid.  I will need to make some serious adjustments to my usual weekends.  at least Ironman2 is there for a distraction.

Bret in Seattle

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What day is everyone on today? I'm on day 4. I'm finding strength is using new coping methods and emotional skills to stay positive and to beat a craving quicker and more simply. Hope you all are doing well!!

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