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Give and get support around quitting


Just joining, and 8 days of not smoking...

Hi, nice to meet you all! I'm on day 8 of not smoking and have quit cold turkey. I just now popped a piece of nicotine gum in my mouth for the first time though. The cravings are so bad, sometimes they make me cry. I've quit before for 6 years...then started back a year ago like an idiot! I definatly need some support about how to deal with the cravings and anxiety if anyone has any suggestions. I just try to take it one day at a time.

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7 Replies

It is day three for me too and i also feeling like i am on a emotional rollercoaster, i too am using the gum it does help but i am also feeling panicky. I guess it help to know that this will not last forever and we will get through it. Praying and having faith helps me, I KNOW that i never want to have to go thru this again, this is not my first time quitting either but i sure hope it is my last..  I will say a prayer for you too Beth! at least you know that you are not alone!

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Thanks Marie 🙂 No, we're not alone! And we can do it! The emotions are so weird, huh? My husband doesn't know what to do with me, lol! I'll be mad at him one second, then crying the next 🙂 Poor guy

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Hi I have been a smoker for 25 years! I quit smoking last march cold turkey and did fine until my birthday in July when I bought 1 pack (just for the party) and smoked up until 2 weeks ago then I switched to cigar cigarettes. I smoked my last one last night at around 8pm. I have been chewing gum all day and yelling at everyone... I want to beat my addiction once and for all! I did quit 20 years ago when I was pregant with my daughter but picked it up again when she was 4 months old. So I know I can do this..... BUT OMG this craving is outrageous... I wish I had health insurance so I could get a drug to help me quit. I have never blogged before so I am hoping this will help me. Thanks for listening.

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Hi Raven! I've never blogged either, so we're in the same boat there 🙂 Personally, I'm staying away from the prescription drugs such as Chantix..I've just heard alot of bad things about them as far as side effects. Also, I'm on enough meds already for anxiety and such. Are you on the right dose of gum? If you smoke more than 25 cigs a day, you should go up to the 4mg gum. Also, if this is your first day not smoking it's going to be tough no matter what. Make sure you're chewing the gum like directed, too. Chew until you feel a tingle, then park it between your gums and cheek until the tingle goes away then chew and park again. Give it a couple days or so. For me, the first week was the hardest..actually, days 1-3 or 4 were really don't give up! If you need to use the nicotine patch with the gum do that...just make sure it's the right dose for you again. I liked the patch when I tried would give me nightmares sometimes though, even when I'd take it off before bedtime. But, it's different for everyone, so you may want to give it a try.

I know the cravings are horrible...I would actually sit and just cry sometimes because they would get so bad...that's before I started using the gum though. Now that I'm using the's gotten better, plus I'm on day 10 today so it's getting out of my system more. Just stick with the videos on this site..they're really helpful! If you need to talk get on here...I'm new, too, but there seems to be alot of nice people here to give support which is important.

Also, if after a few more days or so, if the gum doesn't work, try another nicotine replacement drug. Try the patch, also there are lozenges and other things in the drugstore that are over the counter. Just know that even the prescription drugs you get from your Doctor aren't like smoking a real cigarrette. It will be tough at first no matter what you use to help you along the way..just don't give up! Drink lots of water, eat healthy, exercise and talk to things you love to reward yourself, too. Go shopping with the money you're saving on not buying cigs...get a pedicure, whatever will make yourself feel good.

Oh...and you don't need a drug to help you quit! You can do this...all you need is willpower and a little help from the nicotine replacements along the way! You can do it! I'm with you 100% :)))

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Thanks Beth, for your encouragement. I'm not using nicotine gum I am chewing trident gum, I know I should use nicotine gum but it is really expensive and I don't believe in passing off one addiciton for another...When I really feel the urge I chew on a plastic stick and try and think about something else. When I was smoking cigarettes I used the phase out system and punched holed in my filters to lessen the nicotine that was getting into my system, so that when I finally did quit it was easier. This time however I stopped smoking cigarettes and started smoking cigar/cigarettes cause they were cheaper. I did not know they had more nictotine in them then regular cigarettes. But I am 2 days in now and I am determined to beat this! Your right exercising does help, I jump on the trampoline and it makes me feel better. Good for you 10 days without a cig way to go, you can do it. Thanks again for your encouragmment.

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OMG, it is so good to read these posts! I quit on March 5th, and am having good and bad times, so up and down, I actually had an entire day of craving last Sunday! so weird. I do much better at work, i guess it is like anybody else, i just don't want to feel, and the cigs helped me to suppress my feelings, and when i'm working, and busy i don't feel. ahhhh thanks for being here. 🙂

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Bella...I have had whole days of cravings too! It's tough, but the best thing for me is keeping busy and if I get angry we have a boxing dummy I hit the crap out of, lol! It's great you've been quit for that long...coming up on a month! Just remember, you're not alone 🙂

Raven..the gum is expensive, I agree...but it's cheaper in the long run than buying a pack of smokes every day for 5 bucks a pack! For me, I don't feel like I'm changing from one addiction to another. I feel like it's that little bit of help I need to quit. Chewing 2 pieces of 2mg gum a day is MUCH better than smoking 6-10 cigs a day. I only have one in the morning after breakfast and after supper. And since I've been doing that these past couple days, it's made the cravings bearable so at least I don't sit around and cry. I've also had success in the past quitting with the gradually drop down in the nicotine dosage with both so it gradually gets you used to less and less instead of just ...WHOA! NO NICOTINE! Lol 🙂 But, everyone is different and if that works for you, go for it! Keep up the exercise and when you get angry beat the crap out of a pillow, lol! Just not your

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