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Give and get support around quitting


Just joined. Quit 2days ago. I feel kind of lost on here. Anyone have advice?

I am using NRT and it's helpful. I am having trouble managing my triggers. I'd also like to her from people who have used the patch and I'd like to learn a little more about the proper way to use it. I am afraid to leave it on night as I already have problems with vivid nightmares and I have heard that wearing the patch at night can cause this.

#just quit #nicotine patch

31 Replies

Community Help will help you navigate through the site.  Welcome to EX 


Welcome to Ex. If you blog about what triggers you are having trouble with, folks will respond. But being part of a quit support site is a great step forward in dealing with your triggers.


I did use the patch.  My original plan was 21 mg - 4 weeks, 14 mg - 2 weeks, 7 mg - 2 weeks.  I shortened it a bit by using the 21 mg for 3 weeks and the 7 mg for 1 week.  I just felt "ready" to either step down or off for good.  The patch is not a "cure-all" but for me it helped to take the edge off.  I still had to work my quit and work on keeping my mind in the right place.  Most people do not keep the patch on when sleeping; however, I did.  Mainly because I had developed the pattern of waking up during the night and smoking.  Just do what you feel you need to do.  

The support that I received here along with the education about this addiction that I received here and on the internet was my most valuable resource.  Use it - it will make all the difference in the world.  Best wishes to you!  This will be the best thing that you will ever do for yourself!



I'm using the patch and wellbutrin. I'm also leaving the patch on overnight. No vivid dreams... Mornings were a time that I smoked alot, so I wanted to make sure the patch was doing it's job before I woke up. I'm on day 9 (WOO-HOO!!)  So far so good. It was VERY helpful to read Allen Carr's book "The easy way to stop smoking" I found a link here to download it free. ( I'm sure someone can tell you where to find it.) It is a great way to get your mindset in a very positive place. Instead of feeling like you are being deprived, you begin to see what a blessing your quit is. 

Wishing you all the luck in the world!



I was a patch person.  It was one of many tools.  The BOOK.  Wellbutrin.  Most important?  My friends here.


I am Day 5.  If I wear the patch too long I will have a rash. Not hard to deal with I just wash the spot when I remove the patch now and put a little bit of hydrocortisone cream on it. The rash is usually gone by morning. I cannot wear a patch at night. The dreams are too much for me. I'll wake up multiple times and flip around. Mornings are rough because I push through a workout, shower and then put the patch on.  If I did not workout in the morning I think I would shower at night and then I could put it on as soon as I woke.  How is the patch working for you?  How are you doing?


Welcome to EX!  i used the patch at night previously when I attempted to quit.  I can definitely relate to the vivid dreams which caused me to give up the patches and continue smoking.  That was four tries ago but now I use them with no vivid dreams.  The only problem I have is the itching in the spot where the patch is located.  I bought some Cortisone Cream to put on the area after i rremove it.  Congrats on quitting!


Hello!! Welcome!!



How are you doing Grngyrl?


welcome and please keep blogging - i think your doing good and doing what works for you to quit using nicotine-one day at a time-TOGETHER-thank you so much for your self honesty and courage in helping ME to stay quit with you just for today.

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