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Give and get support around quitting


Just joined. Quit 2days ago. I feel kind of lost on here. Anyone have advice?

I am using NRT and it's helpful. I am having trouble managing my triggers. I'd also like to her from people who have used the patch and I'd like to learn a little more about the proper way to use it. I am afraid to leave it on night as I already have problems with vivid nightmares and I have heard that wearing the patch at night can cause this.

#just quit #nicotine patch

31 Replies

Hang in there. The first 2-3 weeks are the hardest. How many were you smoking a day before you quit?



which strength patch are you using?


Well this is lame but I bought Stage I (21 mg) and it was making me queasy. Despite what it said on the box, I cut it in half. A friend told me he used 1 1/2 when he first quit.

I’m not really craving nicotine (I don’t think) but I feel kind of sad and listless. I’m taking a big exam in December and I’m really dreading it—I’ve failed twice. Lots of other stuff going on and I don’t have control over much.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’ve been torn in many directions lately and I haven’t been following the forum as I should be.

Lynn B Overman

Hey, I did the same thing. 

I didn't know any better and I was down to 5 a day but I got down to 5 a day with zero stress.

I could've used the 7mg patch but like I said, I didn't know any better.

They used to suggest not cutting the patch but people do it all the time.

I think half is good.

You could then cut them into thirds and go to 7.

my first week, I forgot to put one on but they were 10 minutes away so I just went without.

The second week, I forgot to put it on two days in a row so I just stopped using them.

I put one in my wallet as a security blanket and there it sat my first year.

Listen to your body. Make it a game. If you forget, don't panic. It's okay to test yourself a little bit. You can always put one on. 

How else are you going to know where you are with the nicotine? 12 weeks guarantees nothing Memories of the ritual locked into their old routine and emotions are what drive people back to smoking

People who use the patch as directed for the suggested course of time go back to smoking at the same rate as other smokers after 6 months.


Yes, I agree with you on the duration of treatment—it seems a bit prolonged & costly. I have seen research citing a better success rate for people who use the patch (40-60%). I did not read the Methods section to determine the duration of patch use.

So let me understand; you smoked 10/day, started using patch. Decreased to 5/day using patch, then quit? What strength patch were you using? BTW, I just resumed smoking after quitting due to orthopedic surgery. Not much of a smoker prior to this 10/day stuff that’s been going on since last winter (my right hand was in a serious cast and pretty useless). Most people don’t know I smoke. It’s morning & about 5 PM then bedtime. Soon it will get too cold to sit on the porch to smoke. It didn’t stop me last year though!

Lynn B Overman

I was smoking a pack a day the month before I quit. Over that month I just said 
"I'm going to wait a little longer" whenever I thought of smoking. I never counted how many I was smoking a day, never denied myself a cigarette even once. I knew they were there if I wanted to smoke.

By the time a month was done I was down to 5 a day. The day I quit was when I got the 21mg patch


Did you use the 21 mg patch? It made me feel kind of queasy and so I cut it in half. Only time I crave a cigarette is with my coffee in the morning. I saw a suggestion to substitute tea—they’re not a good combo for me. Did you feel any change in mood with the patch? I feel kind of blue and unmotivated but I can’t necessarily attribute that to not smoking cigarettes. I dunno?

Lynn B Overman


Whoops—you were answering my question. Sorry I repeated myself!

Lynn B Overman


Congratulations on the Big Decision! This is day 17 for me. I am using the patch, gum and inhaler. I had the same question about leaving the patch on at night because I wasn't one to get up in the night and smoke. I have left it on through the night for the first 2 weeks. This last Saturday night I took it off to "try it out". Figured since I would be home Sunday - I would have an easier time coping with the cravings and triggers. Low and behold it didn't seem to bother me at all, so I have been taking it off when I go to bed. I do put on a new one first thing when I get up - 6:15 am or so. I have found doing deep breathing with my eyes closed has helped me get through the cravings. I also drink ice water through a straw. The gum has changed since the last time I tried it a few years ago. Chew,chew,chew and park. Good technique to learn. I have found that one piece can last me several hours. The inhaler works for me as well -- does make my throat dry and scratchy. So I try not to use unless its a huge have to. Hang in there - you can do this!! I have tried before and failed but this time I am kicking this habit to the curb for good! I am new to the site as well. Just started today, and it seems we have a lot of cheerleaders in our corner!