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Give and get support around quitting


Just Quit on April 6th

I just joined this site to keep busy during my urges. This is day 2, after smoking for 20 years. I keep chewing gum, drinking water, and reading comments on this site. It's like reading my life!! Congratulations to all those that have quit.. you are an inspiration to others. And to those that are quitting in the future.. you CAN do it. I will be praying for us all. God bless you.
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3 Replies

Good for you!!! I am day three today and am doing pretty good as well. I smoked for 27 years but I am done! I pray for all of daily since starting this on Monday..
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April 6th was my quit day also !!! I have tried so many times but this is a FRESH NEW START, I'm going cold turkey this time, except for different hot tea's,,wishing you a great day, take care
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Thank you for your kind words, I needed that today! Today has been my hardest day yet. I almost smoked after supper, but I'm so glad I didn't. Well day 3 behind us. Good luck on day 4! Have a great week and a Happy Easter. God Bless You! If you need to chat, feel free to drop me a line!
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