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Just For Fun


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Having a phone that a cord is attached to and couldn't go far from the phone and rotary dialing only.  Having TVs only black and white picture and only 4 channels.  Fun blog good distraction. 


Playgrounds that didn't protect you when you fell and you learned good life lessons.

Cokes in real glass bottles

A time before television and cell phones where you had to create your own entertainment

Typewriters that had a carriage you had to manually move to go back to the beginning of a sentence,  that had no correction tape so you'd have to use a hard eraser that looked like a pencil with a brush on the opposite end.

Smoking on planes, (where they provided ashtrays as part of the arm of your seat), smoking  in movie theatres ... essentially everywhere.

When the majority of kitchen cabinets were made of metal.

It being normal to have somebody pump your gas FOR you.

Cracker Jacks that gave you a  metal prize inside.

Board games, with real metal tokens.

Cameras that used film.  Then the Polaroid cameras that developed a picture within 30 seconds and you could watch the image appear.  I still have some of those pictures from the 60s and they have held up pretty well.

I'm so glad you've joined us anausssiemom.  You've already added some fun to this community.  And goodness knows quitters can use all the fun they can get! 

So assuming you're from Australia (because of your name) - where in Australia?

"It being normal to have somebody pump your gas FOR you"

They'd also wash your windshield, check your oil & your tire pressure.


I call myself an Aussie mom; My daughter resides there.  It has not been an easy transition for either of us.  Australia is on Pluto I think.    And thank you

These were the kind of monkey bars at our elementary school.



Getting up to change TV channel (turning knobs), no remotes with buttons!  Going outside to play ( no technology gadgets)  Having to use our imaginations to figure out what we were going to do each day! 

I miss those days!



Waffles for dinner every Friday, not just during Lent.

Military Draft

3 kids in a bedroom

Typewriter correcting tape

Hiding the fact you had a non-ATT phone by disconnecting the ringer

Winding your watch

Being driven to the Doctor's home for emergency stitches

Shoes handed down from older brther

Lying on the back shelf of the car on long trips.

Cloth diapers and plastic pants


Oh my Greg, those are some good ones!  Cloth diapers and pins especially, I remember running diaper pin points through my hair to sharpen them, it made them slide easily through the cloth!  

There were 9 of us kids gregp136 . Four boys & 5 girls. Small 3 bedroom house. Mom & Dad had a room, The girls had a room with the 2 oldest girls having a bed to themselves & the 3 youngest girls shared a bed. All 4 boys were in the other room in ONE bed. We had no A/C but Mom & Dad finally got a small window unit for THEIR bedroom. On the hot nights we would wait till the parents were asleep & we'd all sneek in with our pillows & sleep on their floor like a pack of dogs under the porch. There was more than one night Daddy got up to go to the bathroom & stepped all over us. You never heard so much carrying on in your life.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @

Did anyone say black and white TV? I remember when the first ones came out.

We used to go to my grandpas on Sunday nights to watch Disney.

Black and white to color was a huge deal.

I still love the old black and white movies I watched with my mom on rainy days.