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June 1 Quit Date, 4 days in... 4 days cheated...

I'm mad at myself. I can't make it one day without smoking! I've HAD it with smoking. I'm tired of people telling me to move somewhere else, or stand "down wind" because of the smoke. I'm tired of being a slave to smoke breaks, coughs, less money in our pockets, waking up and craving a smoke so bad. I'm tired of my little girl asking "mama, where is your mokies?" Yet, I can't make it one day without cheating. My husband works with a lot of smokers, so I'm sure he's bummed a few over there. I stay at home with no-one to bum from, so instead I make the trip to the store...Then I have a whole pack. And, I can't just smoke one and destroy the rest, that would be a waste of money!

Besides the obvious "just don't buy them" does anyone have any tips to help me from cheating again???? I want to quit so terribly bad.

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8 Replies

First of all, you have NO reason to beat yourself up like this hun! I'm sure there are MANY of us here that have cheated (tho I haven't reached my quit date yet, I started the Chantix 3 days ago and was "supposed" to be down to 1/2 pack by now). The best thing you can do for yourself is to FORGIVE yourself and pick right back up where you left off! If you can't stop completely right now, maybe try cutting down, smoking half a cig instead of a whole one. Just remind yourself that if you cut ONE smoke a day every day, you could still be quit by the end of the month...that's not so bad considering how long you've been a smoker, eh?

Just remember that what you are trying to do is nothing less than heroic...beating any addiction is hard but with an addiction to something that's legal, and has so many people everywhere you go literally blowing smoke in your face remind you of your addiction, it's tenfold! You've gotta be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. With the desire you appear to have, it's apparent to me that not only do you WANT to quit, but I believe your determination will win and you WILL quit! You can't expect it to happen overnight. Maybe some people can throw them out and never smoke again, but people like you and I can't do that.

Don't give up....keep working to cut back, distance the time in between your smokes, etc. Also, I'm new here so forgive me if you've posted this, but are you using anything to help you quit like the patches, Chantix, gum, etc?

Best of luck to ya...God Bless you!
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Yep, me too. I didn't smoke at all on Sunday the 1st but I had 14 on Monday, 6 yesterday and 1 today.

It's not going to be easy. If it were we ALL would have done it a long time ago.

Just one day at a time.
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It's frustrating, ya know? You want something so badly, but another part is saying NO! There's a constant internal fight going on! Then, you add in the stress of the people "counting" on you, and it makes me wanna freak! I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but it's helping me today. (believe it or not!) Instead of waking up and running to the store, I didn't. I don't want to disappoint myself anymore!
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Wow. I think you hit the nail on the don't want to disappoint YOU anymore! cheating and sneaking were always a part of my quits before. I somehow thought about ..."getting away with it"! LOL If there was a moment of opportunity, I would take it....smoke....then feel like crud. This time, I followed the Ex plan, planned my quit well, made a promise to MYSELF that I would make a genuine attempt at quitting and not smoke for a month... one day at a time. If I got through a month...I was home free and would never touch a nicotine delivery device again!!!! You can do it. Promise to deal with your own feelings of being uncomfortable day by day. It is only temporary.

I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 15 hours, 54 minutes and 7 seconds (23 days). I have saved $82.80 by not smoking 236 cigarettes. I have saved 19 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/11/2008 5:13 PM
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Miss Laura,
I have been smoke free for 6 weeks. I want to help you make the break a smoother one. It will still be hard but it will be easy. You will have cravings but you won't cheat. You will have withdrawls to the point of hating everyone and everything in sight for a day here and there after a week. That will be the breaking point to live through that...not to smoke during or after it...but just to live through it. You will amaze yourself as I have amazed myself. I think about it many times a day then I think about it thinking how I haven't thought about it many times a day. It is really weird!
I did the book on The Easy way to Quit Smoking 3 years ago...unsuccessful...wanted to go to the class in NY to desperately quit. Didn't have the money or the time. Picked the book up again 6-7 months ago...put it down...March 13th i decided to Chantex it and after one week I said the hell with it i am just going to quit....and I still didn't.
Out of the BLUE I get an Email from "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" organization...They are now offering a WEBCAST for $149.00...I purchased it, waited 3 days longer...smoked like a crazy woman....up to the end of the 6 hour course. I listened to it over and over for the next 3 days and I didn't have a smoke from the last minute of the first time I listened to the entire program..It is an interesting seminar. It is truely a phenomenom..SP? I love it..I love being free of the whole damn discusting habit.
I am a hairdresser/barber and there are so many people that smell like smoke it is incredible.
My husband is kissing me all of the time now. The list is many of the improvements of my life.
It is a change no doubt...but it's neat!
Check it out!
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Congratulations Cindy.
If you need some help find the $149.000 and 6 hoursto make the final step to never wanting to go back.
The Easy Way To Quit Smoking" website...The WEBCAST you won't regret it..
Happy Living.
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Jan, it isn't that I'm trying to do it alone, its just that we've been down this "we're really going to quit this time" road several times before without success. So they don't believe us this time. Or, maybe not even that, just the "helplines" have lost its luster. I don't know. I know at the end of the day it is my fault that I gave in.
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We all need some encouragement from Vicki. I am soon to be quitting and Laura I have quit a million times too and have been unsuccessful so I am hoping this time is the charm. I have been using the ex plan. It seems to be working pretty well but then again I have not stopped smoking yet that is on Monday of next week. I am also using chantix and it does decrease cravings.
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