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Give and get support around quitting


July is upon us

Hi to all of the July soon to be ex's! Well July 1st will be here tomorrow. Hard to believe. Let's get ourselves geared up for our Quit days! Remember to put together your quit kits, and always carry your reasons to quit smoking with you. Good luck to everyone! Remember... N.O.P.E! Not One Puff Ever. Together we can do this!!! Let's kick some ash!
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7 Replies

Your very welcome! N.O.P.E after July 5th, 2008 for me too! I can't wait to be FREE!
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My quit date is July 10th!!!! I've got my patches, I've seen my doctor. I'm working the plan.....
O.K. I'm scared but excited. Nervous but focused. I think you all are going to be seeing me hang around here a lot!!
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Thanks for the energy! My quit date is July 7th and I'm scared to death. I'm going through with it regardless. Your encouragement arrived during one of my give in to the fear moments. Thanks!
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Hi there - I've been hanging out at another group, but thought the July Quit Date thing was pretty cool....
I really love your attitude....Today is July 1st, and today is my quit day. I'm counting hours right now. I hope to be counting days soon....but this thing is a bear !!! You're right tho - "Let's kick some ash !!!" Luv it !!!
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Hey All! I'm still firm with 7-7. Went to my first local class this evening. It was interesting and seems like a good bunch of fellow ex wannabes. I'm think I'm going to like it. We were given one assignment, to set a quit date by next class. I told her my quit date was before the next class and that's the day it's been since late May.

What I liked best about the class, I'll be getting free patches, gum and lozenges for the next four weeks. 🙂

Angel, I'll be using the end of your post as a sig. line:

N.O.P.E! Not One Puff Ever. Together we can do this!!! Let's kick some ash!
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Steve, You are more than welcome to use it!
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My quit day is also July 7th - hubby and I are quitting together. Started Chantix a bit over a week ago since hubby's consumption is high enough he didn't feel comfortable with only a week of Chantix in his system. Am already cutting back - naturally - due the to Chantix. It does help with the cravings and number of cigarettes smoked during the day. I've all but quit but my official date will remain July 7th to stay on track with hubby!
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