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January Quitters


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My quit day was 1/1/11.  So far so good.  I tried this last year but it didn't go nearly as well.  This time it's not as hard as the last time I tried to quit.  I think I might actually make it this time.  My drive to work this morning was the hardest part so far.  I keep telling myself to just get through day 3.  Nicorette and several packs of regular gum seem to be helping.  I want this to be my last quit.  I WILL DO THIS! 

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Hello all, quit day is TODAY!  Haven't smoked in 12 hours and so far I haven't maimed anyone so things are looking up!  lol  This is my umpteenth quit.  Going for the nicotine patch this time around.  Hope all are hanging in there!



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Day 3 and I can barely recall day 1 and 2. What small flashbacks i do have are of depression, anger and aggitation. And believe it or not, I'm a nice person! It sure does help knowing I'm not alone. My friend and I are quitting together (for the 10th time) But I have never really given myself a chance! I will give myself a chance this time. I don't want these last hellacious days to be for nought! I've got an ECig and it seems to help only a bit. I'm not finding it nearly as satisfying as my cigarettes. But, it does help.

I did not find this site until today, so I didn't have a "QUIT PLAN" in place. But how tempting was it to read that I should begin the program while still smoking! For a moment I thought, "hey! I can go ahead and smoke while i'm getting started on this program, so i can track it!" hahaha. oh yeah, i'm an addict.

COPD for me at 46. There's no longer any room in my life for my long time friend the cigarette.

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Morning everyone. Happy to hear about all our successes and sympathitic to our struggles.  I can not even believe that I am 38 hours cig and nicotine free.  I am over half way to the 72 hours they say it takes to completely eliminate nicotine from your body.  And I know that that is only a part of the battle, that the pysocological addictions have to be dealt with too, but I have got to believe, that for me, it will be easier to battle those when I don't have to battle the physical addiction too.  I have been reading over on another blog stories from people who have been quit for a while, and they all attest that their lung functions improved quickly and significantly.  If you need a little encouragement go to the blogs and it is titled "Health".  It helped motivate me this morning.  Have a great smoke-free day  and Hang in everyone.    PJ

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Hello everyone. Well, today is day number two. I have really had a fairly easy day. I have thought of smoking today, but I am keeping in mind all the reasons that I wanted to quit. Me and my husband are both, or we were both smokers and we were spending a fortune on those nasty, stinking, wonderful cigarettes. I smoked a pack or more a day and he smoked two or more a day. We have both quit for two monthes before, so I am not getting to excited about two days.....but then again, everyday without a cigarette is an accomplishment. We can do this!!! NOPE

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My last cigarette was about 15 minutes before New Year's Day (which was my birthday).  I decided to quit that day..I figured it would be easy for me to remember!  Just want to know....did anyone get the jitters (nervous stomach, etc.) other than me?  I felt like my insides were going to jump out of my skin!  I quit before for 8 months (about a year and a half ago)  and didn't have this feeling before.  Working on day 3 today...just taking one day at a time.  I have found that if I drink water when I want a cigarette, the urge goes away.  Has anyone else found anything specifically helpful to them?  Any and all help would be appreciated.  Most nonsmokers don't understand why quitting is so hard, so I find it difficult to talk to most people about this.  Really need a buddy here so hopefully we can get through this!! 

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Hi, I am on my third day smoke free.  I am using the combo pack which is the patch and 2mg gum.  It is working really good, I must say. I can't tell you how many times that I tried to quit smoking and could never get to the second day.  I started walking so that I am getting the fresh air into my lungs and feeling better about myself.  I never did try to quit on New Years Eve but this time I thought it might be my time and I know now that it is because I actually feel very good about my decision to quit.  Have a great smoke free day everyone!

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@want2quit - Nice work!  In my previous quit attempts (and in the current one) I make myself some green tea when I want a cigarette.  It's a little more involved so it helps take my mind off of smoking, and the antioxidants in the green tea help get rid of all the cancer causing crap that we've been pumping into our bodies.  Granted I feel like I'm pee'ing every ten minutes, but hey, hydration is good for you!

Keep up the good work all!



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2010 is certainly not a year I will be referring back to...unless it's in a "best of " format or in a Jeopardy question.  With that in mind, I've decided to take the initiative to go, as my brother lovingly puts it, "balls to the wall", and quit a revolting habit that's half a lifetime in age...and I'm only 32.  My baby steps began in September, when I decided that I was going to take part in running, not walking, in a 5K next summer, basically because I don't want to become physically useless.  I'm now a regular at the gym, whic lead to my dramatic cutback on cigarettes from a pack a day to maybe 5 cigarettes a day.  I chose today as my quit day, since I know alcohol is a trigger for me, and New Years and tailgating for the Eagles aren't exactly forgiving in the booze arena.  I'm now on hour 16...haven't killed anyone at work, and have gone through half a box of green tea.  Baby carrots are also helping, since I feel compelled to be eating...all the time...hey, at least it's something healthy. 

So to my fellow comrades who are also ready to waive a big fat middle finger in the face of tobacco, I say game on and best of luck!

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Last cigarette yesterday at 4:30 pm....almost at the 24 hr mark...

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