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Give and get support around quitting


January Quitters


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478 Replies

i read recently that "Any given urge to smoke lasts about 30 seconds before diminishing again."  30 seconds!!?!?  that's not very long at all.  granted it happens every 15 minutes or so but still, if you keep it simple, 30 thirty seconds isnt so bad.  Special thanks to KV01 for providing me a link to that had some REALLY useful information regarding urges or cravings and the fact that they are just feelings...mere fluctuations of energy in your body and that they can be dealt with.  instead in running and cringing in fear and despair at every urge, learning to recognize, accept, and move past.  BEST OF LUCK TO ALL THE 1/15 QUITTERS!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!

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My quit day was Jan 4th

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I have set my quit day for January 20.. Going to try gum this time and lots of prayer..

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My quit date is the 24th, I so need to do this...

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my quit date is today 1/7/15. I had my last cig. last night. Happy New LIFE to everyone

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Hello - I have set a quit date of 01/12/15. I have tried to quit before, and I learned from those past attempts. I am approaching this quit with more tools and great support at home. Plus I've joined a support group - I believe this will be another tool to help me. Something I learned from out first meeting:

Fear cigarettes - you're one puff away from a pack.

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My quit date is January 24th... I did quite before  for 2 yrs with help with the patch...that was 5 yrs ago.. I started up at that time due to a very stressful, emotional time whem my Mom became very sick,,, she went to be with the Lord 5 1/2 yrs ago... and I saw I was holding on to the past with this habit... it wasn't the only one... at that time I started having a few glasses of wine each night to help me relax... 5 yrs later.. I was doing the same thing.... it's been a week now since I stopped the wine time... and now it's time to release this habit also... I'm ready to live again... I am a closet smoker... none of my friends smoke... I don't smoke at work... just at home... so I am counting on this community as my support this time... and I'm looking forward to regaining the fullness of life that comes along with letting go things that just aren't good for me... I am going to dust off my excercise equipment and start again... I was doing pretty good there..but stopped.. and this time I know I have 2 weeks to start re-thinking my time.. I am grateful to have found this site... I just don't want to go it alone.... thanks in advance for the support... I hope to do the same...

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I was going to quit on the 15th of this month but just decided I have done enough damage to my body and am quiting today. This way i can celebrate mt anniverary with my eldest sons birthday. I know I will have to go through hell to do this but I need to do this for me and my family

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Today is day 2 smoke-free for me. I tried to get on the web site yesterday, but I kept getting a "under construction" window. I did really well yesterday - kept busy by walking my dog, jogging, and lots of deep breathing. This morning I'm doing well - I will continue to keep busy.

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Today is day 2! While I'm pretty nervous about going to work today I think I can do it. If not I'll just let go of the rest of my hours.

Remember people this isn't going to be easy! This is a battle for our lives and we will feel these raw naked emotions but just keep telling yourself this is worth it! You need to remember your reasons! 

We can do this!

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