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Give and get support around quitting


It started with the last cigarette..

It started with the last cigarette.....

And then the first craving. Then the irritability, and sniping at my friends and family. Then came the anxiety, and anger at myself for allowing me to get so hooked on such a deadly product, that was now making me feel so miserable.

And that was just the first seventy-two hours.

Then hours became days, days weeks, and weeks months. Before I knew it, my sense of taste and smell had returned. My breath wasn't as labored when I worked. I felt cleaner; I smelled better. In a flash, I was six months quit.

Then a year. But it all started with the last cigarette. And that was at 7:33pm on November 24, 2015. 1500 days ago.

Smoke your last cigarette today. It will someday be your turn to look back on it and smile at how far you have come.

11 Replies

Congratulations WhispersQSMB on 1500 Days of Freedom...Job well done...quitting is so freeing...Happy Saturday ~ Colleen 397 DOF 


Thank you everyone

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