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It's snowing No April Fools!

Aaah geesh the older I get the more I dislike living in a snowbelt BUT NOT the weather or this terrifying pandemic will cause me to relapse and go back to the clutches of the dreaded nicotine poison BUT I must just like all of you must remain EXtra vigilant with our precious quits especially during these unprecedented times we'll make it through by sticking with N.O.P.E and vigilance N.M.W....I don't know how clear this pic is I just looked out my livingroom window and thought I'd snap a pic it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas on this April 1st and that's no April Fools honest!!!


I'm so ready for Spring which I know is just around the bend we've had some great temps in between the snowy weather.  living life on life's terms is the gift of LIFE vigilance is key to remaining Smokefree.....


10 Replies

Thanks Kathy you stay safe too! 

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