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Is this normal ?

Day 13 and I’m really struggling today . This is the first day I’ve really wanted a cigarette . A whole pack actually . 

I divorced my husband 16 months ago . And for some crazy reason ( pretty sure it’s related to quitting smoking ) I’ve been missing him and thinking about him . 

I made the absolutely right decision to divorce him so it’s not about thinking I made a mistake but I just keep thinking about him. 

Drove down the road with tears just streaming down my face over that fool. Lol . 

Has anoyher else experienced weird emotional issues like this ? 

Prior to quitting I didn’t even think of him nor miss him at all. 

Gah !!! I really want to smoke today and I hate thinking about him 

14 Replies

Remember emotions have no intelligence. They have no power over you. You control you. This will pass. Quitting smoking is an emotional roller coaster. But you came here. You want to do this. You will!!  New beginnings. Better heath. Better life. It’s all waiting for you. One day at a time. We are here to support you.  I was very young when I divorced my first husband. I wanted the divorce and yet I cried when it was over. I realized later I was crying for the loss. Not because I wished it were different. I was smoking at the time and still cried. Fast forward I’m married 24 years to the beat man for me. Life goes on. Sometimes it even gets better


CONGRATS on 13 NICOTINE FREE DAYS- you are doing good and I am so sorry your in emotional turmoil. Old habits and patterns are hard to recognize when withdrawl from NICOTINE PATTERNS hit- especially when we are hurting or grieving - YOUR doing wonderfully.

0 Kudos

Divorce is a very emotional thing.  What you stuffed to get through your divorce is rising to the surface.  You want to smoke today because you don't want to feel  You will be o.k. Just don't smoke.


I can’t even count all the cries I’ve had in almost 5 months.  Divorce is a toughie.  Right up there at the top of the stress list with death of a loved one.  I know it’s frustrating, but is part of my new normal.  So many new things to learn how to handle differently now.  It’s amazing how our brains pull out things to trick us back to the old ways.  You’ve gotten to 13 days so that is great.  You may not feel that yet, but you will.  One thing that flew out the window fir me was patience.


Don't back up.  Move forward to Day 14, one/half month today.  

It is totally normal to question a lot of things you have experienced in your life whether you smoke or not.  I have been quit since 2010, and I still question things I have done and things I plan to do.  Emotions run high with your forever quit, but you will get past each bump in the road.  You may just be an emotional person, and questions that pop into your head with regards to experiencing a divorce are going to be there whether you smoke or don't smoke.  

In moving forward, you are bettering your life most definitely in the health department by remaining smokefree.  Stay free, and learn about the new you, without leaning on the crutch of addiction.