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Is it really as bad as you think??

My anxiety seems to be getting worse as every day is a day closer to my quit date. I was just curious.. has anyone experienced the quit not being as bad as they thought it would be?? I put a lot of thought into everything and at times I find that whatever the situation is.. it may not be as terrible as I imagined.  

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20 Replies

without having the knowledge that I learned here, yes, my quits have always sucked but it's because I didn't understand them.  Once I gained knowledge, understood what was going on, no, it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I came to the thought of I can make this torture or I can simply let it follow its course and let go and see where it leads me


No, it is not as bad as you think.  If you arm yourself with the knowledge about nicotine addiction you will have the power to win.  Education is the key to a successful quit.  Read the suggested material, study, blog, ask questions and stay close. 


It has not been as bad as I thought it would be. I was also super sick, so I guess that may have "helped" make it easier. Most things are worse in our minds than when they are actually happening.


Yes it's really as bad as you think.  And it's really as easy as you think.  What you think and how you think is how the journey will proceed.  If you make it a mountain in your head, it will all be uphill.  But if you think "no big deal, I can handle this" it will follow accordingly.  So think carefully and with surety!

It helped me to think of the early stage as a rite of passage.  A necessary step to self-disciplined, smoke-free adulthood.

Remember - you want this.  The consequences of smoking are far heavier and longer lasting than the passing unpleasant side affects of quitting.

Thank you all so much! I have decided to quit earlier than my quit date. I had my last cigarette at 10pm last night, it's 11:38am. I made it 12 hours! I am also super sick so I've had a lot of time to sit here and think but trying to keep my mind busy. Thank you again!


We are here for you, I am sorry that you are really sick.  I can tell you that I quit more than once when I was sick and my biggest risk to my quits always came when I felt better and I convinced myself that smoking had nothing to do with my being sick.  I just kept on heaping the poison onto my already badly damage lungs.  You CAN do this...congratulations on starting early.



Go WereAllMadHere !

Go WereAllMadHere!

Go WereAllMadHere !

Remember the words attributed to Henry Ford, :"If Nancy think you can or think you can't, you are right."


Thank you! I'm pretty sure that I've made it 37 hours. I have hope that it will get better, even if it's worse before it gets better. 


You're doing great.   Sometimes it's one hour at a time.  Whatever it takes.  



You can do this quit believe it deep breaths and keep moving forward and stacking up your precious Days of Freedom so each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON, you will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time ,be willing determined and totally committed because with the right Mindset we can do just about anything We put our minds to and quitting smoking should be at the top of the list of things to do for our health family and friends but especially our lives which literally depends on us to quit and stay quit, congratulations on your precious 9 Smokefree days and counting WTG.......

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