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Is it ideal to cut back before your quit date?

I set a quit date and going to use the patch  but was wondering if I should be cutting back the cigarettes I'm smoking on a regular basis before I quit for good or maybe it will just stress me out more before my quit date ? 

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15 Replies

I KNOW you can do this and you can help her too...I have no doubt about it.


I sort of unintentionally cut back because for three days I smoked a few cigarettes before putting the patch on. I was going to give up on the 3rd day but a friend encouraged me to put the patch on.  I did and never smoked again. In those 3 days, I smoked 7 cigarettes which gave me confidence because I usually smoked a pack a day or more.

I don't recall the location of that recent discussion but the outcome was mixed. Do what works for you, That being said I did cut back. I made 10 Sickerettes last 6 days by delay and only taking one or two puffs at a time. That helped me condition myself for withdrawal little by little.

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I would suggest you start by just putting each one off just a little bit while you get busy.  If you find you are thinking about it the whole time, then it's not going to be helpful.  If you can do this easily,  go for it.  You can gradually lessen what you are smoking over time.  Don't try to hold yourself to a certain number a day (or hour) as that usually ends up having you think about it ALL the time.

Just give it a try for a bit and see what happens!


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I tapered. My tapering does not mean that I smoked only a few butts each day for days and days hoping to become un-addicted. It means that during the last seven days I did a test run of my quit. I tested my attitude and how I'd react to unpleasant things without running to a smoke. I did not want to leave myself in a situation where I'd bolt back to smoking because I was upset (usually something pretty small but unexpected). Anger, frustration and impatience were strong trouble points for me personally--so testing myself on these things helped me think about how I was going to deal with stuff. Not everyone who quits feels the burden of negative emotions. Some really are leaving mostly the addiction behind, and are relieved to be quitting. 

Your plan is what makes sense to you based on knowing yourself, reading and listening to good info--taking what  you need, leaving the rest.

Smoking the same or possibly thoughtful tapering are not unreasonable approaches. 

Not if you are going to torture yourself or get scared about quitting.

I never counted once but my smoking dropped 75% over 4 weeks doing it THIS WAY. 

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