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Give and get support around quitting

Is anyone like me?

I am so ready to quit. I have been trying to figure out the best approach to take so I can increase my chances. I have to say I am concerned a little because of some of the withdraw symptoms. I am already on meds for depression and I have a sever anxiety disorder that I finally feel like I have gotten a little control over now. Is there anyone with these problems? How have you handled withdraw symtoms of depression and anxiety? I would love to know I am not the only one with these problems and that these problems will not keep me from quitting.
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6 Replies

Hiya Desirae! Welcome too! Some of us do feel depressed or anxiety when we stop smoking...However, the best way to keep that from happening is to come here and post, answer posts, make friends and most of all think positive! There is an awesome website called, that deals with the mental part of this addiction. I would suggest that you go there and do some reading. Also, by all means talk to your doctor, if you have any doubts. For the most part, I seem to be much more relaxed as a non-smoker. The first week or so can be full of anxiety, but it does fade given time!! This is an awesome place to become a non-smoker!! If you get involved here, you will find the support phenomenal!! Congratulations on your decision to quit! Please keep in touch and let us know what your plans are!!
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Hey I am on welbutron and flouroxitine. I am on day 1. I am how do you say, a part time smoker. A pack ould last 2-3 days. I know it will be hard for me after day 3-4-5-6. hope it will get easy after 2 wk - 1month. PT SMOKER 8 YR.
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JACCI Your awesome - Tim
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All your suggestions are great. I do think I am going to have to talk to my doctor. That is one thing I have not done yet. I have been on meds for my anxiety before but one of the things that triggers my attacks is putting an unfamiliar substance in my body (even anxiety meds) so of course I stopped taking them. So the control over my anxiety attacks I had to get from me. I pray that I can use the will I used to control them to help me with this. I have thought about asking my doctor about the Wellbutrin cause I heard that it helps with quitting smoking as well as Depression. Is that really true? Does it work well for the depression? I really appriciate all of you who replied. I have been trying for so long to figure out a good way to go about quitting. This is something I have been trying to figure out for a year! I am hoping this site helps. I think for the most part I have a pretty good game plan lined out (I think) and with extra support from friends I am hoping to meet here....Hopefully this is it! Thank you all!
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The only suggesstion I can make it for you to please please please make sure you discuss your quit plan with your doctor. I am sure it will be easy enough to get him/her on board, and they could possibly help you with the symptoms you are worried about! 🙂
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