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Give and get support around quitting


Introduction trying again

I have been "trying to quit for months" actually trying to get to the quit stage, I start tracking, then stop I got Chantix and signed up for their program but the drug scares me, I carry around comit, still have not started... I set the date don't follow through... I think that first day of not smoking is what scares me the most

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2 Replies

Hi Kim, I quit smoking in November '07 for about 6 months. Not the first time I used Chantix to quit smoking. It actually works pretty well although I had some really colorful dreams. I've set my quit date as 2/1/09 and I have Chantix sitting on my counter ready to go....again. Yeah, some of the chatter around Chantix worries me too so I've been researching it more on line lately. Plan on seeing if it counterindicates against any other meds I'm taking. So, we'll see. Hopefully both you and I will quit for good. I did once before several years ago for 3 years. So I know I have what it takes. For me, it's the boredom and the weight gain...but it can be managed. Don't worry so much about the first day without a cigarette. It scared me too, but what a sense of satisfaction after that first day of not smoking! You'll get through it and it WILL get easier as you go along. Good luck and keep in touch.
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Hi Kim, I'm on my 6th day as a non-smoker. I've tried and failed so many times but it is TRUE - when you are READY to really quit - you WILL! You have to WANT IT!! You can do it!!! I'm here for you if you need anything!!! Stay Strong.
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